Hi! I'm that guy who never shuts up about stuff he knows is true and feels the need to shout it loud so everyone is on the same page because he fuckin loves his country and sees it going down the crappah!...maybe you're the same. IF you are, maybe you could follow the link to my blog on Wordpress. This is referred to as, " shameless self-promotion " ...which is just ridiculous. This is promotion of what i do, what i believe and what i researched and found to be the real truth behind the lies of the Main Stream Media. All my research is backed up by reliable sources that you could find on your own if you look. Maybe you're savvy. Maybe not. If not, ok. Cool. no harm no foul. But if you do check it out, thanks. The Free Thinkers are trying to save the world. But it's like being the red-headed step-child in a world of Barbies and Kens...still, gotta keep telling it.