Song Reviews

Punky Song Of Patriotism And Angst


Boston Kronik brings a catchy song set in a punky rock guitar/bass driven track. This time the song is all about the angst of Veterans who have given it all for God and country yet they return under appreciated and drained of so much. There are a lot of families that will relate to the message and viewpoint of the song. Musically, I would prefer the vocals to be better produced but the message it carries is strong. If this were to be taken up by a top rock producer it has the potential to become a radio hit in the modern rock genre. The feels dn drive make it appealing and compelling. I wold like to hear more from this talented writer and artist.

United States, California, Studio City

Action package

The grungy garage guitar rifts drifting and driving through the song is amazing. Feels like a video game version of pulp fiction. The punk punch lyrics make the track fun and engaging. . Great job

United States, California, los angeles

A good effort

I had a lot of problems hearing the vocals on this mix and I probably would have rated it higher if I could have heard the message the singer is trying to deliver. The music is not bad with solid driving guitar rifts, and the singer has a good tone, but the biggest problem I have is the mix. The distortion bleeds into the vocals and with the almost rap style to the singing you have to have a distinct space and eq tone to make it easy for the listener to follow. Try not to use to many digital effects on a track since stacking them too high sucks the dynamics out of the track.

United States, Illinois, Aurora

Rough, raw and real

Production quality aside, it sounds dirty and mean. Singer sounds aggravated (which for this music is great). Not a big fan of "political" music but this works. Seriously though your bass player is fucking killing it on this song... in a good way.

United States, California, Oakland

Song review

Good job. A decent song with engaging lyrics. It's a horrible thing to be frowned upon for serving your country. Especially in times of warm. Unfortunately a military is a necessary evil in these wicked times.

United States, Arizona, Glendale

lots of potential

This song has a lot going for it. Maybe just fix the mix a little, and dont be afraid to raise the vocal levels a bit. this sounds like a well written punk song. Go back to the mix with this and you could have a decent song. just polish the vocals a bit

Canada, Ontario, Sudbury


Hey what's up man just writing a review for yo song. I want to start off by saying the song has a nice meaning behind it far as the united states of America the veterans all that's nice. just need to work on vocals and more mastering of your song other than that it sound closed in or almost live keep working tho you're good. check out the pg for info about me

United States, Florida, Jacksonville


I have a special place in my heart for vets they fought and she'd blood for this country and so many have died.I don't understand why so many of our veterans are homeless this is mind boggling to me.I really enjoyed your music keep on doing what you are out here to do.May God bless you.

United States, California, Every Where

it's good but the finish line is too far

Boston Kronik For god and country is a punk song old stile '90 , the sound is good, production isn't so good, but for whom loves puck it doesn't matter this song seems to be a mixtures of many hands, but no director, no leader. good bass, good voice, good guitar and good drums, but when you put everything togheter, you can't feel the real power good to listen at once, maybe twice, but not so good to download it but, they can be interessing

Jesus did not exist

Jesus is a myth. He never did exist. The most ridiculous story ever told. The cross was never true, believed by fools like you. The mystery one day it will unfold. The Buddha tells the truth, unlike the book of Ruth the bible is symbolic and very old,

United Kingdom, London

For God and Country

A good thrashing punk riff, which if recorded and mixed in a better way could be quite electrifying. Strange though, how punk seems to be associated with speed and let's play as fast as we can. A shame, because I feel both lyrically and musically this track has a lot more to say, and notching down the tempo slightly would, I think, have far more impact, and also keep things a little more constant. The lyrics I could decipher on first hearing are poignant and good, so let's hear them. In short, it's a great track, re-record it, with a good producer, hold back the tempo, and hit us over the head with a tempo we can march to, and a message we can chant to. Good luck, and Keep on Struttin'!

United Kingdom, Bognor Regis

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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