Lyrics for Ulysses and the Siren
Hello and thank you for subscribing to Braindead's mailing list.
We'd like to inform you that lyrics for the song "Ulysses and the Siren" have been added to the song in profile page of Braindead.
For our subscribers only we are adding the lyrics to this email for your listening pleasure:
Come worthy Greek Ulysses come
These posess shores with me.
The winds and seas are troublesome
And here we be free.
Here may we sit
And view their thoil
That trivail into deep.
Enjoy the day and mirth the while
And spend the night in sleep.
Once the legend was told
Brave man of the sea
Would go to the unknown
To meet their destiny.
Dangers await their path
Magic black as the night
On the sea for months
Land is nowhere in sight.
Sail through the Eagean Sea
To lands never seen.
I hear the song of the Siren.
Call upon the sailor
I have no fear,
I will meet the Siren.
1st Solo: Eymur
2nd Solo: Emrah