Brandon Martin
5 years ago

A Message from the Tallest Hills

Hello, and good day. I hope you are all doing well. I am doing alright, just sitting at the control center and listening to Siouxsie and the Banshees' second record. It's been a nice enough day. I am amazed by how many people have come and listened to my songs and shared them or sent me messages saying they liked them or subscribed to this mailing list. It is incredibly flattering. So, um, what's new? Well, I am working on songs for the next project and getting them sorted out arranged. There are maybe nine so far? Some of them will inevitably be scrapped, though. There are a few songs from the Glass Salad sessions that got scrapped that I don't really know what to do with. I plan on starting to do short runs of 7 inch records cut by hand on an antique lathe so that I will have a physical copy of something to sell if anyone wants merchandise. I've also considered maybe doing cassettes and hand made t-shirts. We will see. I don't like the idea of turning art into a business very much. I want to apologize to anyone that has responded to any of these mass e-mails. The way that I received your responses was fucked up, and no matter how I tried, I was unable to reply to you. I am very sorry about that. From now on, please just message me through this site. It is a lot easier. Take care and don't take shit. -brandon Bandcamp: https://brandonmartin.bandcamp.com/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6HLXldtAMKdTAX52r5xozI





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