Brandon Martin
5 years ago

Download the Albums for Free or Stream Them!

There are more than three songs! Download the full albums for free (with donations happily accepted) here on the bandcamp site: https://brandonmartin.bandcamp.com/ If you use Spotify, you can also listen to my music there: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6HLXldtAMKdTAX52r5xozI This music is available on a variety of platforms. If you have a preferred platform other than these, please contact me and I will let you know if the stuff I make is available there. Oh, and I recently created a Soundcloud page, mostly so that I can have a place to put songs that aren't on albums and demos and one-offs and stuff. That is available here: https://soundcloud.com/brandonmartinoklahoma take care. make art. support art. -brandon





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