Social media
Hi guys, thanks so much for sticking with us through all this craziness! Hope you're all doing well and staying safe and healthy. We have some new music to record for you so we're getting our ish together to get into the studio.
Please follow us on all our social media so we can reach as many people as possible and let everyone know about the new album we'll be recording soon. Follow us on Facebook we're brassrootsmusic as well as on Twitter, same name. We\'re on Instagram as well as Brassroots adn Soundlcoud as Brassroots. And last but certainly not least our website obviously the more followers we get the better we'll be able to get the word out about our new album and raise the funds to do it. We're goi=ng to offer all our most loyal fans the opportunity to buy pre buy the album and get ti before everyone else along with exclusive downloads and merchandise to entice you to help us out.
Thanks again and speak soon,