Living in the now
How to be ok with your current circumstance has always been a toughy for me. I'm generally a hyper person, so frustration is always hanging around the borders, i not being felt viscerally. I learned to meditate in my mid twenties and initially stuck to the recommended 2 twenty minute sessions. It was of a great benefit. But unsurprisingly, for me at least, I veered off a bit and had quite a few years of sporadic practice. I've now found myself returning to the practice, as a result of the conditions imposed by Covid. I was, before its arrival, pretty frazzled with effort; trying to succeed at some level with the music. Strange as it may seem (for some at least) I'm thankful that Covid created something of a period of grace. It bought me the psychic space and time that has allowed me to recover some of myself that I'd lost.
So thanks to the circumstances that Covid created and my return to meditation I feel that bit more centred and alive.
I hope, in some way, this proves helpful to others.
Best for now,