

THE BIRTH OF BUNNYLANDBAND/THEATER lt all started out one Saturday morning while I walked my dog solo down by the river. The grass had just been cut and this tiny crazy acting bunny was spinning around on the grass like it had a diseases or something. After consulting my girlfriend Lisa I decided to take it home and bottle feed it. If I only knew what I was getting into. All though the little feller ate and grew like a weed there was something wrong with him. We named him Honey Bunny. / Nascar Bunny. Our dog and I got really attached to this cute little guy real quick but knew something was wrong. The day came and God needed our little friend in heaven. Solo couldn't understand where her little fury friend had gone. After a week of filling like something was missing my dog and I decided to search out a local bunny breeder and so we did. SANDY LEE There were lots and lots of Baby Bun Buns to look at and after a while we came across this long eared calico brown and white Netherlands’ lop that just couldn't keep her eyes off of us. I picked her up and it was love at first bite. We named her sandy after the breeder who sold her to us. Sandy was one wonderful lady. Mr. Man (M and M) Now mind you we had sandy in a box that she could just peek over the edge of when we come across this beautiful papered 3/4 new lop. I started asking Sandy if we might change our mind and get this new guy. Sandy the Bunny looked at me in term oil with such caring loving eyes we took them both. Now I had 2 Bunny's I had to explain to Lisa who had no idea we had gone looking for another Bunny. Now mind you when I bought the papered Bunny I was told that he was a girl. Guess what. The Bunny's started popping out everywhere. There Kids Oldest to Youngest So after the first litter all male got neutered. The reason being that I loved all my Bunny's and to make sure they were raised right kept almost every last one of them Except for those we gave to friends. This is how I received the nick name The Bunny Man this was No accident folks. The baby Buns grew. The Family kept getting Bigger due to another accidental pregnancy. I was after that papered long eared 3/4 English lop. Mr. Man or M and M the dad had started out a big happy family the population control people Lisa and Cary didn't do their job so good at first and now we had 10 bunnies/ I will share the names of them now and come back to them one at a time. Sandy was the oldest and one hell of a mother. She did everything perfect just like she had practiced it her entire life. Mr. Man (who I was also referred to sometimes) was second. We actually had to wait 2 weeks to take him from his mother. He was the perfect father to every last one of his bunnies. He actually was pacing in front of Sandys cadge when she started to give birth. I think at one time he even passed out carrots but I'm not really sure. Tonka Was the first male Bunny land theater Bunny born to the Carters and named president of the club for oviace reasons. He also became the first rescue of bunny land rescue started and ran by Lisa Webb. I will come back to Tonka's rescue later as it all starts to make sense. I stepped on and almost killed Tonka when he was only a few days old. That’s how he got his name. The rescue was after he broke his back foot so bad it had to be removed. There never has been or will be another quit like him. He lived a great life and never once missed that back foot at all. He did have to step down from his presidents though due to his amputation. His colors as beautiful as the night sky were white and grey Rusty Was the second male Bunny born to sandy and m and m carter? He was dark brown and white and just loved showing people what they were missing out on not owning a bunny. If I could of had him in my life longer I would of let every bunny pet his wonderful soft coat. Lisa and I even got to see him born and if rust was ever rusty he was. He developed a growth just under his left eye. We tried and tried everything in the way of specialist time Doctors and money. But nothing could be done to save him. When I berried him I did so with the foot that was taken from his big brother. Some might think that was strange but I had planned on trying to have it re attached later on or something like that. Rusty 2 had to give up on his vice presidency early. One thing I remember well about those first couple years was that if one more person was to say to me there only bunnies I would have killed them dead. They still to this day are very much a part of our lives. Scooters Was the first girl bunny born to the Carters? She was actually given away at Christmas time to a family that could love her. I think I loved her most of all because she was so loving to Solo Myself and Lisa. I picket her to give to this family knowing how special she was. I did so they could experience the joy of bunny ownership. They had some problems with her chewing and she came home a couple of days later. Thank God she came home because she was very much loved by both Lisa and I. O and Solo had a sister now. She was named Scooter because she was the first Bunny to start exploring when young and could only scoot where she wanted to go. She was a blondish brown and white. When she was still a baby and Sandy was pregnant again she helped Sandy make her nest. Then when it came time to have the fury critters she turned on scoots and never let her return to the Family. This was sad and became the first buns that we had to keep separated. She was happy though and got to live with solo in the best part of our house, our bed. Milk Dude, Brown and squeakers calico were given to friends for their families at Christmas time The Second Litter Rocky Was the first male second litter and looked exactly like rusty. We played them off as twins for a couple of episodes. Rocky Road was his stage name. He was born with a little birth defect in his eye but hardly noticeable. Elvis Was a solid white bunny. This I wanted badly for one of their babies to be white. He had the most beautiful eyes. (Blue) he soon became president of the club and just a ham. He went with us in the car and check this out couldn’t make it up if I tried, became Scooters big bad security Bunny. He and Rusty Both would not let that gate keep them from there sister so we stopped trying. Elvis lived out his life that way the bunny that lived 2 separate lives and was a pleasure to be around. He was also one of the founders of Bunny Land and BLT just for kids. Carmel was the second founder of BLT and is coming up next. Carmel Was the smartest of all the bunny’s by far but just didn’t know it right away? He was the cutest funniest Bun of them all. He lived his life short dyeing shortly after Rusty with just about devastated Lisa. She misses him so bad I wish I could take that pain away from her if not for just a day. Joey Was a very uneek bunny that completely changed my way of thinking? He was born with both of his ears off to one side. He reminded me of a baby kangaroo so we named him Joey. He loved his big bro Tonka. His ears did finally one day lay the right way. I think the prayers to God had something to do with that. When Tonka Finally passed on Joey followed suit the very next day. This allowed them to be buried together in the same grave. Now that’s Bunny Love Peanut Butter Cup Was the last female bunny born to the Carter family and looked just like Scooters. She was just as sweet as Scooters also until one day she snapped and became this Bunny from Hell. Don’t have any idea why. Summing things up All of our fury little friends have now parted but I wanted to share our experience with you. There are so many good things they taught us. The most important and memorable to me is unselfaceness and the next would be how important Bunnies our to our health and well-being. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about how lucky I am to have learned this gift from god. Love You Guy’s Cary Lisa and Solo By Cary Carter





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