Song Reviews

Bunny Land Band - I'm losing it

Another wonderful track from the quirky Bunny Land Band. It is hard to put my finger on why I enjoy this bands music so much but I do. The track begins with some cool bongo driven beats, enter synth and lead acoustic guitar. The laid back vocal style I previously equated with Lambchop manifests itself once again in all its glory. There is an obvious sadness to the lyrics masked behind a dark humour. It took a little time and I am not sure I can quite explain why but the Bunny Land Band have burrowed their way into my heart. I should just let it be and you should too. Great track.

United States, New York, New York

Great Vocal

This vocalist has an outstanding voice which lends itself to this song - hauntingly seductive background supplied by the band. The title may be ''Losing It'' but this band certainly are not going to do that with this song - really great stuff guys! Individuality skills from the guitar player add to the enjoyment and pleasure of the listener. Let's have more like this BunnyLandBand. Regards from us at Angel International Management here in the United Kingdom.

United Kingdom, EXETER

your time is now!

i really like your band. will everyone like this? i don't know. but take a chance, and if more people like it, then go for it. you have an awesome band and a lot of awesome songs. God will bless you with fame and fans if you ask Him. there's never anything to big for God to take care of. your time is now! take it, take the money and run to the top of the mountain. good luck .

United States, Tennessee, Nashville

Sam Tumblin Review of "I'm Losing It"

I really enjoyed listening to the song entitled "I'm Losing It" remix by BunnyLandBand. The song has a very mellow methodic sound that kind of hooks you in the beginning and let you stroll along till the end.

United States, Louisiana, Eunice

I'm Losing It. ( Remix ) (Review)

Starts off like a familiar Rolling Stones tune and quickly changes to a Casio Christmas song until the guitars kick in. The guitar riffs are actually very good. The vocals try to squeeze into a place that's too small which lends to the comedy tag. Also, the story in the lyrics is comical. Not sure if Bunny Land Band is a band or a creative outlet for a comical musician. Either way the track was interesting for being a parody of a love song. Scott...WFJ

United States, Colorado, Denver

Love the Beat!

Great song!! Love the opening with the Bongo drums! Nice transition into the vocals. Really dig the guitar work. Well written song.....I like the Lyrics a lot. "I bought myself a dog one day to track you down" very clever line. The overall feeling of the song is sad because of the loss of who you are looking for. This song reminds me a bit of Daniel Johnson ...very similar style...."Outsider Music". Peace to you!

United States, Virginia, Gordonsville

nice name b land

O harmony is good now. It is nice rhythym. I like the folk effect. Voices are the plus... instruments are good but full acoustic would be another version u might try to match the voice harmony to avoid somewhat drastic contrast. Definitely harmony toooooo! My site: Go cdbaby if u selling awesome site!

United States, Illinois, Peoria

Catchy song the mix could be better

Catchy song, the mix could be better some of the instruments go missing in parts and it does not flow properly, the vocals are not bad, I like the guitar riff and tone, overall a good song but the mix needs to be fixed, hope this helps, good luck.

United Kingdom, Limboland


The song does not come from the heart. It sounds artificial and build around an over engineered guitar solo. The echo choir is really superfluous. The singing could be better. Well, sorry, but i really dont like it.

Belgium, ypres

I'm Losing it: BunnyLandBand

Really nice intro., Acoustic guitar is first rate and creates great transition into the next phase of the song. Their is a cool flow to the song which is highlighted by vocals and melody which are soothing to the ear.

Australia, Newcastle

review of I'm losing it

The beginning of this track sounds like a pre-programmed sound from a keyboard, then the guitar riff which has been a little ruined with the over use of a delay pedal or something similar (maybe it's just played twice differently reach time) which puts the whole riff out of time. The guitar playing itself is good, nice and clean throughout the rest of the track. Synth sounds need a little work, they sound a bit cheap. Back vocals which repeat the the last line of every phrase are a bit cheesy too. The lyrics are also a bit predictable..but I don't want to sound too negative, the voice is unique and interesting, the guitar is nice.

Italy, Calcinaia

God Job!

Hola amigos! Despues de haber escuchado vuestra canción os puedo decir que me ha gustado mucho, el sonido de la guitarra es muy bonito, la voz acompaña muy bien el color de la canción, así que muy buen trabajo! Solo hecho de menos un bajo para redondear la canción! Un saludo desde México! Lozone.

Spain, Valencia

BLB review

This song has awesome guitar riffs and an ambient soothing sound throughout. My favorite is the guitar work on this song but the vocals need a bit more work and time spent on them. Creative and peaceful sounding is the best way to describe I'm Losing It.

United States, Colorado, Denver

im lost

The beat was pretty smooth before the strings came in. I feel the strings over powered the actual melody. Next the vocals came inwith an effect on them that made it very hard to understand what was being said. I think the over all message or what the song wascabout was lost in the strings aswell. I would rerecord this at a studio if you didnt. With an experienced engineer. Other than that all i can say is keep working.

United States, Michigan, Detroit

I'm a fan of the BunnyLandBand☆

Hello my friend I've been away awhile. Going through some historic troublesome times Studio Flooded much was lost and starting from almost scratch; But not about to give up. I'm back and this is my first review in what seems like forever. I'll start by saying the guitars are awesome And I really like the Mix. I know you work very haRd on your craft and it is Refreshing to hear it all coming together. I've also spent much time watching your videos on YouTube. I have no critical advice to give you Sir You are true to yourself and your art. What more could one ask for. Your Friend ☆☆☆☆☆ ~Ã₩Ź~

United States, Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh

Great guitar.

I love the sound of the guitar. Easy laid back song.The drums add to the comfortable feeling that this song give you as you tap along to the tune. I think i would of added some backing vocals to help the vocalist. All in all a great little tune.

Australia, lockhart

Needs a good chorus and some remixing

Hi its a decent song though I wouldn't have used the double tracked vocal and stuck with just a main one or try and remix it more in sync that would work better. Lyrics and guitar playing and is good. Could do with a chorus with some harmony singing, string section is nice. Best of luck. RockinJohnny

United Kingdom, Huddersfield

just need a bit of perfection

the song hit me when I needed to relax after work hours, and has grounds to appreciate as well, but only the voice I think it need a bit of perfection, because the guitar is amazing. but the feeling is very good, and those ethnic parts liked much

Uruguay, Ciudad De Montevideo





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