Your Number One

The Outside Looking In

Song Reviews


Wow what a strong entrance I did not expect that at all! Ohhhh I am loving that Guitar and Saxophone together and then the drums come in wow it is just really really amazing and your voice I have no words!

Australia, Melbourne


thank you for allowing me to review and listen to your song very unique very creative I love unique music I love different sounds of Music Opera classic rock gospel gospel hip-hop just to name a few keep me posted on any new music that you may have coming out I would love to take a listen and hear it again don't be afraid to share with the world continue to be unique and different don't be afraid to come out the box and stay out the box and go to the next level thank you for sharing it again and may God bless you and all your endeavors you have a wonderful day peace

United States, California, Every Where

good stuff

Never have I ever heard anything like that before so if you keep on doing what your doing you'll definitely end up some where really nice. Maybe on a beach relaxing shopping and sipping margaritas wouldn't that be something huh.. but definitely good stuff here so keep on keep n on and see where it gets you

United States, Mississippi, Pascagoula

A bit puzzled

Basically I love these two-chorders with a minor and a major chord. This one leaves me a bit puzzled though. The parts don't flow into each other, it seems they are nailed to each other somehow, especially in the beginning. The saxophone is like a phantom, it appears and disappears again without leaving something remarkable. At times there's a guitar, then a keyboard, but none of 'em is leading. This might be on purpose or not, I myself don't really understand it. This is why I don't say it's bad. But I am a riff and hookline guy, and I miss all that here.

Germany, Schweinfurt

Lovely track

I love myself a good saxophone in instrumental, the beginning of this track grabbed my attention. I love the track as it has this faraway feeling to it and your mellow singing is an added feature to the track. The lyrics is quite a touch of difference as it hits on the conscious side of things and again the sax in the ending makes it a favourite to listen too. I’m pleased at your work do keep it up

United Kingdom, Nottingham

Beautiful Work

Nice indeed I must say ????. The Song is mellow and the lyrics are beautiful too I love everything about the song and the arrangement. The vocals in my opinion can be very much improved and the Song taken far. I admire the saxophone its sits very well

South Africa, Ekurhuleni

That Feeling

The intro is the key with the introduction to the instrumental version of the song, it simply gave me a feeling of groovy anticipation and I was ready to rock, since I am an artist I had begun brainstorming to the vibes! Then the lyrics started and I was slightly distracted, because the words to me didn’t live up to the expectations of the beautiful music with the idea of creating a song potentially on the track! Kudos to the producer and well the performing artist can use more rehearsals and should use this one as a demonstration for structure and composition possibilities as well as distribution with marketing and promotions

United States, Mississippi, Columbus

Nice One

The keyboards at the front end is nice and then the sax comes in super mellow. Then the beats. It's a very good introduction. Cary and Bunny Land are good easy listening musicians. The vocals are very easy on the ears. The lyrics are very interesting. I'm not sure if Cary and the Bunny Land are being tongue-in-cheek and trying to pull our legs or that's just their natural way of expression. Either way, it's an interesting little tune overall with a nice melody.

United States, Texas, McLean

Your Number One

The intro grabbed my attention right from the get-go. It goes a step higher when the sax comes in. The song has a really nice feel to it and all the tracks sound very clean. The vocals convey the sincerity of the lyrics and nice finish with the sax solo at the end.

United States, Delaware, Wilmington

cool song

Really good composition. Its a Song with a deep message behind, that touches something by the listener. Keep on doing you' re Kind of music, expression you want to. I wish you really all the best for the new beginning year - 2022- Stay healthy and happy as well! Hope you'll get in a creative process to create more songs, music can heal and gives us hope all over the planet! That is what I think about it. Hope you'll understand the mean conetent ?! Greets, Judith M, Germany

Germany, Schwerin


Der Anfang dieses Liedes hat mich sofort positiv gestimmt. Klar, schwungvoll und sehr sauber... Mit einsetzen des Gesangs war ich jedoch enttäuscht. Zumindest spiegelt das mein persönliches Empfinden wieder. So reisst meiner Meinung nach der künstliche Gesang die absolut überzeugende Musik entzwei und das ist sehr schade. Viel Potential wie ich meine und wenn die Art des Transports der Inhalte stimmlich anders, passender gewählt würde, ließe der Erfolg sicher nicht lange auf sich warten. Am Ende ist das nur eine, meine persönliche Einschätzung und kann natürlich bei Anderen völlig anders ausfallen. Dennoch danke dafür, daß Ihr euch öffentlich Preis gebt und damit die bunte Vielfalt der Kreativität bereichert!!!

This Should be an Instrumental

You are not going to like me much. But I only give honest reviews. I debated just not giving you a review at all, but I think you really need what I have to say. First. Your music. You come in with this fabulous intro. I instantly wanted to really like your song. Great vibe to start and then you needed it up and kept the music moving. Wow, I thought. I am going to freaking LOVE this song....but woe You opened your mouth and started singing. Why did you have to do that? First, you added this echo effect to your voice. Why? And then the lyrics. What can I even say here? One cliched phrase after another connected with these other weird lyrics...protect you with my gun??? Huh? How often does that happen in your neighborhood? "Better than ever". "ain't live fun" "play games together" " not singing about my mother"...oh, my... do I have to go on. Sing this to your "significant other" but please, "stop being dumb" and take a song writing course IF YOU INSIST on adding lyrics. And then there is your voice. It doesn't fit your style of music. You sound more like Arlo Guthrie then Mel Torme. Grab a guitar for your voice. Hire a singer for your music AND A WRITER. BUT, your music started out wonderful. Use your instincts there and write beautiful music. You dragged your music down to match up to one rediculous phrase after another, all stiched together and sounding exactly like the one before. No chorus. No refrain. No change up. Just one gruesome, boring musically, phrase after another ...for how many minutes straight. Real zingers like being too messed up to drive a car and being forced out to get some. Yes. I listened more than once to make sure I WASN'T TRIPPING AND HEARD RIGHT. Geesh. Sounds more like you hate your "Number one". I usually rate songs with a number system. One of the categories I call emotional impact, 1 - 20. Your song gave me an emotional impact, alright. But not in the usual sense. Another category is the match up of lyrics to the music. This was the biggest disconnect. YOUR MUSIC STARTED OUT SO DARN GOOD. And then you strangled it to death to support your lyrics. Rewrite this as an instrumental. Have that lead line SOAR. Modulate where your vocals could never go. Build on your strengths. IF you insist on wanting to add lyrics, study the masters. Joni Mitchell. Simon and Garfunkel. The Beatles. Harry Chapin. Kerry Livgren. Jim Croce, Dan Fogelberg. Bob Dylan, whose voice you match more closely. And take a writing course at your local university. Lyric writing, just like learning to play an instrument is a learned and practiced art. Most songwriters started writing poetry and songs as children. Great songwriters put into words observations made, and paint pictures of life that you can SEE with their words. " Old friends. Sit on a park bench like bookends. A newspaper blows in the wind, falls on the round toes, of the old shoes..." THAT IS A LYRIC. "Dust in the wind, all we are is dust in the wind..." "Broken windows and empty hallways, a pale, dead, moon with a sky streaked with grey..." THESE ARE LYRICS. "I once had a king in a tenament castle, lately he's turning to painting our pastel walls brown, he's taken the curtains down" THAT IS A LYRIC. And then there is the format. Most popular is the ABAB. Verse chorus verse chorus. The chorus is the ANCHOR. It is the summation of what the entire song is about. Verse 1 tells us what we are, with whom, and why. And it completely supports and points to the chorus. Verse two supports both. Bridges give us more and give a musical change to keep the song moving forward and are wonderful to do a change up into a modulation to finish the song strong with a repeated chorus, typically. Any way, I can't teach you how to write here. I am not writing this to be snarky. I am truly trying to help. On the first day of class at the university, my professor Joel Lipman, look him up, he is an established and published poet laureate; said the most important thing that a writer needs to learn is how to "kill your darlings". I think he quoted Oscar Wilde. In other words, SELF EDIT. And don't believe everything your mom tells you. They have been putting crappy art on their refrigerators for years, not because it is good, but because, "Cary did it." Get a big red marker and review your lyrics objectively. Then start your next songwrite with a solid theme. The old X, 1, 2, 3 you learned in school essay writing. It still works when writing a song.

United States, Texas, Lewisville


Absolutely positive sounding music reminds me of sleep Sunday afternoons. The vocals just make the song sound even dreamier. The words also place me at a time fondly remembered. I will listen to this, with a cold beer with my delight. I Cani aging myself walk up a mountain with this soothing song, Beckoning my lover to take her time cos Illwait.

Jamaica, Kingston

Futuristic sounding

Beautiful stings and tones in the beginning. It really set the mood of the song. Great transition with the drums. Vocals were spacey and weren’t to loud in my opinion. Song writing was good and had me listening. Profit

United States, Arkansas, Mountain Home

The Number one Reviewed

Good start. I like where you are going. Many of the elements are overly separated from each other. THe initial timing change is a little off. The vocals are a little too hot in the mix and the effect has a negative effect with clarity. Maybe EQ and tone back the effect some. Also the electronic bass line needs a little more Mid bass tone. Great start! Keep at it. I like the saxophone.

United States, Washington, Seattle

Pure Tranquillity

A very good morning to you folks and thank you for the invite to review your track "YOUR NUMBER ONE" which may i say i found to be in my personal music opinion a very easy listening song with a sweet melody and good lyrics,nice vocals and good production which was recorded to a good standard and i could see this song getting good airplay as its very radio friendly and would also do well in a major Song Contest,i would love to hear more of your great talent very soon.

United Kingdom, Belfast

Truly beautiful song...

Hi, I'm sorry if I answered you late but I only saw your review request now. Truly beautiful song both as a melody and as a harmony of chords, but to be played again from the beginning with care with precision the arrangements and the sounds and to be shortened to about 4 minutes creating a nice decisive ending without nuances. The Arpeggiated Chiatarra has to be brighter. The Fretless Bass must be turned up in volume while the Synth bass arrangement is fine. The battery feels too little and the quality of the sounds must be improved. The Sax is very nice but it takes some reverb to make the sound sweeter when listening. Finally we come to your decidedly sweet voice as sung but too high in volume compared to the base. In my opinion it should be sung in a more rhythmic and decisive way respecting the tempo of the song with final reverb in the right amount. This is my humble opinion.

Italy, Mantova

Your number 1

wow what a beautiful song love the sounds and muscianship............this song has a really good melody lines I can hear this song over and over............they the song was put together is very unique..........just love the way its sung the vocals are spot on the guitars, drums and. Both guitars were played perfectly...............can't say enough about this song ............I want to thank you for letting me review your amazing song thsnk you.......... This is steve from voodoo dancer and thank you again.....................

United States, New York, Middle village

Original, nice intro!

Hello :) I love the intro, it defenitely encourages to listen to more. I did not expect the sax either (even thought I would raise the volume a bit, it seems a bit padded). I like the intention of the voice, I like the effect too, but I think it should be recorded better because it kills the beginning flow. I defenitely like the idea of the song and I think it's quite original, I would just put more work on the vocals and also on the mixing. Greetings from Italy! :)

Your Number One

Nice intro.. Nice beat at first. But the vocals with the weird effects kind of destroy the whole picture of the track. Maybe Cary and the Bunny Land Band should spent some more time re-recording the vocals.. and get a better mix of the song..

Denmark, Brande





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