Hey; How's it going at this very moment in time?
Because all that truly matters, is now.
Thank you for being a part of my subscriber list and welcome, all new subscribers. You guys are the reason that I keep doing this, aside from the fact that I love music. It's true that there are MANY artists out there seeking to gain new listeners, and yes I am one of them. But I realize I have to put my fans first, you guys are the foundation of my fan base. I know you could be listening to anything else but you decided to give me a chance, and that means a lot. So I'm giving you all of the music I post free, available to download on my N1M and Soundcloud page. As an Artist, I seek to grow more and create new fine tunes that will capture more people. Will you guys help me? Sharing my music is more than enough, send them to your friends and if they like it, I hope they're as cool as you and shares as well. Lol
Happy new year and flow like water my friends
- Calage
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