Cash Cassady
7 years ago


Merry Christmas too all and too all a good Night I'm the son of a Sailor Born Dec 27 1950 In New Orleans,LA I'm a singer song writer. I like good music! Folk, Old Rock@Roll,Blues,Older Country,good food,Cold beer,Pretty Ladies, baby Animals,The Laughter of Children,Sunny days,and some rainy days,Reading books.looking up at the Stars, I Love being outside altho I can't say I like the City Much.Give me some feed back on my music (like, Don't like) I'll add more later. Cash!!!

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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