3 years ago

Make a Child Smile Campaign 2021

A Caywama Edwards Ministry initiative in collaboration with All Smiles Dental Centre

Caywama Edwards Ministry is looking for 10 sponsors to donate US $38 each to give 10 children between 5 & 12 years old in St. Vincent and the Grenadines a healthier smile this Christmas. With this campaign, we seek to raise awareness about good oral hygiene in children and assist parents with providing dental care for their children. This campaign is based on the theme of my latest music video called 'Charity of a Smile'. By becoming a sponsor, you will definitely 'Be the reason why a Child can Smile this Christmas!' To donate or for further information, WhatsApp or call +1 784 491 1898 or send an email to caywamaministry@gmail.com Every little bit counts! Merry Christmas to you and yours... xoxo Caywama





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