CCM-Forgiven November Newsletter
May the Lord bless you and your family this month.
We're sorry for the message being later than normal, we tried sending out a message earlier in the month, which did not take for some reason, so we re-boot and do it again....:>)
A BIG Thank You for those fans who sent us messages/emails of encouragement, prayers, or just comments about liking the music of our Forgiven group. The Apostle Paul said that we should give thanks in all things, and we thank the Father for all of our fans on
This month we added a song to our site from a compilation CD that David Stephen put together and produced in 2000, titled "The Way", written by Paul Ruckle and Steven Roby. This is a song the band often plays in concert, but never appeared on any of our regular CDs.
This is the month to give Thanks to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We hope that you have a great Thanksgiving, and we thank you for helping us to "Share God's Love Through Music." Please continue to tell your friends and family about our music, and download our songs on your IPOD, phones, and tablets.
Find and like us on Facebook - CCM-Forgiven.