Charlie Wiener
United States, Ohio, Brunswick
Charlie Wiener

Charlie Wiener

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About Charlie Wiener

Performing professionally for 42 years all across the USA and Canada both as a singer/songwriter and a Comedian to learn all that's important go to (expired link) "It's almost uncanny the way singer/songwriter Charlie Wiener echoes the late Warren Zevon on "The Lake's Too Rough" on his latest disc, Small Truths For Sale Wiener not only has Zevon's phrasing and gravely voice, but he also shares wit and ability to identify with the working man. " The Lake's Too Rough" is a raspy folk number that ranks among Wiener's best tracks.

Wiener, who worked as a comic for years, spins good stories and makes them humorous. And the musi is solid too. Wiener's strength is straightfoward narratives....he's make Zevon proud.

Jeff Niesel-The Free Times.

"Wiener has every right to be proud of 'Ghosts in the Windows'. It made him stretch lyrically and musically. Wiener's brand of country folk is a bit reminiscent of John Pri...His vocals are robust and mature. The playing and production are top notch, too. Wiener penned all of the songs except one, and they transition effortlessly between the deeply heartfelt and the utterly lighthearted". - Nick Stavarz, Revue Magazine

** Small Truths For Sale is a more than respectable follow-up to Ghosts in the Windows Wiener's return to music-making after 15 years of leavin' em laughing on the road. Comedy aside, Wienr can write a mean tune, wheather it country, rock or blues. And don't assume everything on Small Truths is witty or hilarious, althoug much of it certainly is. Behind every clown is someone really pissed off at the world, and Wiener gets pretty serious on tunes like " Paper Faces" and " Hanging Tree."

But Mirth is still Wiener's bread and butter, and offerings such as "It's Not a Bike," "Shut Up and Leave," and " Mrs. Wiener's New Do" deliver mightily.

Steve Byrne-Scene Magazine

"Homespun and warm, it is at times awkward to watch the jester cry...yet there's catharsis here, too. But these impressions define him no less than the jokes". - Holly Gleason, Free Times
"'Ghosts' is equal parts Johnny Cash and Fred Eaglesmith. Wiener has put together a capable cast of backing musicians who keep the album's mix of country rock and western swing consistent. In 'Ordinary People' Wiener identifies with the working class men sent to fight in wars and fills the song with vivid description of bone cold winters. Ballads such as 'Most of All', 'All I Ask' and 'Patiently' are beautifully played and Wiener sings in a gentle voice. Tracks such as 'Rodeo Rider' and 'Don't Want to Die' are infected with the pain of lost dreams that Wiener can capture so well". Jeff Niesel-Scene Magazine

"Bill Lewis, the program director over at WNCX, has said the album reminds him of the late Harry Chapin. The songs made me think of John Prine, but Wiener's voice reminds me a little of Johnny Cash's lonesome vibrato. There are two songs on the album that are particularly lively and fun. 'Smiling Dog Blues' rocks pretty good and 'The Ballad of Johnny Mogul' has a 'Hot Rod Lincoln' kind of feel to it. Alex Bevan has a wistful cowboy tune on it called 'Rodeo Rider', but all the rest are Charlie Wiener playing and singing about heartache, heartbreak and the many ways time and life get away from you while you're not looking. Very un-Wieneresque. - Michael Heaton, The Plain Dealer

"Comedian/singer Charlie Wiener was busy promoting a new country/folk CD that will help raise funds for the memorial whose beginning his mom and dad were witnessing. "The lead song "Ordinary People (Christmas Eve Somewhere in Germany)" is especially dedicated to his father but is a tribute to all who slugged it out on the battlefronts around the world. The elder, like many veterans, was reluctant to talk about his wartime experiences. "But his son was able to pick up bits and pieces over the years, enough to inspire such words as, 'High school dreams dashed on the hard rocks of war,' and 'I guess this ordinary man wasn't ordinary after all.'" I like these lines, too. 'A sergeant of necessity when there's no one else to lead...But when you're honor bound to freedom you've got to show the way to be free.' "The CD's 14 selections also include 'Child of God' about his daughter, Adrienne. Another one, 'Lost Child', touches on the life of his daughter, Katie, who's also involved in the background vocals. "'Good Man' is dedicated to those who fought in Vietnam. 'Standing Rock Woman, Rosebud Man' tells the story of his visit with Native American friends on a South Dakota reservation. "'All of the songs,' he says, 'are based on truth, a reflection on the lives of real people.' "....words sung from the heart keep your attention from start to finish." Bob Murphy, Murphy's Law

"The folk music scene in town is pretty depressing. There are only two clubs consistently presenting folk music...The only act creating any excitement is Charlie Wiener...completely unpredictable. He begins a show with pretty folk and country music and a half hour later he'll be immersed in bonzoid idiocy. "Charlie Wiener is the Iggy Pop of folk music. He's a cross between Johnny Cash and Bozo with a strong dose of gas station Punk thrown in. He effortlessly combines serious folk ballads with jack off material. Totally incomprehensible. "Consistently turns out good original material."

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