N1M Charts

N1M Charts
Week 13, 2025

Now showing the Global charts for Musical Theatre. Change chart or genre?

  • Position has dropped relative to last week
  • Position has increased relative to last week
  • Position has stayed relative to last week
  • Hot shot debut
  • New
  • Peak Position
  • Last Week Position
  • Weeks on Chart
* Please note, The Charts are calculated on a Weekly basis according to our very special formula of song engagement which includes many factors of activity for a particular song. Those factors cannot be discussed here or elsewhere to avoid any cheating.
  • 1
    My Song - Ana Chapman Productions
    Musical Theatre / Film Music
    Signature review:

    My Song

    Words of His love and words of adoration. A multi-layered composition with imagery of His meeting wi... more Words of His love and words of adoration. A multi-layered composition with imagery of His meeting with Mary with trumpets announcing his triumphant resurrection. Well timed Percussion and the soft touch on the keyboard adds a perfect accompaniment to the atmosphere that resonates The Glory of His words. I trust in faith this will be a key song in the passion play or tableau presented in your next production. less

  • 2
    WAITING GAME - HeavenzReignz
    Musical Theatre
  • 3
    My God - Ana Chapman Productions
    Musical Theatre / Film Music
    Signature review:

    Thoughts about MY GOD...

    My first thoughts as the song begins...This is going to be a very serious song! The cello's "riff" ... more My first thoughts as the song begins...This is going to be a very serious song! The cello's "riff" introducing this song is beautiful, and is the perfect "red carpet" for the lead vocals to enter... My mind is instantly transported to a theater where a majestic musical is being performed. The overall effect is to summon up intense emotions as the words ring out - "My God, My God - why have you forsaken me?" I was led to go to the Bible to find the place where these words are found... Psalm 22:1 Knowing this song is grounded in the words of the Messiah's bitter cries in anguish, made the rest of the song much more meaningful to me as a listener hearing the song for the first time. The dynamics of the song are perfect; with the piano joining in later in the song, to enhance the beginning riff that announces the song at it's beginning. The words are clear and piercing as they should be. The pounding drums on the words: "My strength is gone..." The music and voice reach a crescendo to the words: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." The final sounds at the end did not "add to the song" in my opinion. A couple bursts of thunder would suffice. Nevertheless, the song itself is incredible, and a moving unfolding of what the Messiah was experiencing as He hung of the cross for all of humanity. I was deeply touched by the music and words so masterfully weaved together in painting such a haunting portrait to the mind of The Savior's passion. Thank you for creating and sharing such a wonderful "good work" for the Lord and for people everywhere to enjoy. less

  • 4
    Come What may - IITenore
    Musical Theatre
  • 5
    LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING - Ferdinand Rennie
    Musical Theatre / Easy Listening
  • 6
    I BELIEVE IN YOU - Ferdinand Rennie
    Musical Theatre / Easy Listening
  • 7
    Defying Gravity - Rachel Karu
    Musical Theatre
  • 8
    Being Alive - Daniel Freedman
    Musical Theatre
  • 9
    Suddenly Seymour - Sandy Ewart
    Musical Theatre
  • 10
    Glen Rosa - Dmytro Morykit
    Musical Theatre / Piano
:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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