

Hi Every one Mark Eckel is announcing a special invite to join him on www.ozcmr.com Mark is a great friend of mine and plays requests as asked. My album SOULS HAVE NO AGE Vol 1 is played on the ozcmr loop daily 24/7. Find Mark Eckel on FACEBOOK come join his fan base and live show each morning in Mildura, Victoria Australia.. Mark will be to pleased to play my Music at your request :-) ATM I'm recording A Beatles Album, bit more to go as yet, but its coming along nicely. On my page I've put up the AUSSIE KIDZ BIZZ Vol 1 sampler. penned by yours truly and thoroughly enjoyed it. Any purchase made please go via the web page thankyou :-) Happy music every-one :-) CHERRI BONNEY MUSIC Share 





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