The Fighting Spirit
Hey Folks. It's been a little while so I thought I would hit you all with another track. This time I'm bringing you a song called "The Fighting Spirit." This is a state of mind that has always been with me and will continue to be with me till I move on from this earthly realm. I hope you possess the same spirit. I don't mean in the ignorant sense of picking fights for no reason but rather having the will and energy to face all of life's challenges that can arise at any moment. As always feed back is welcome. Pick up a Choose Your Power T-shirt and rock it where you live. I personally make the shirts and would be honored if you represented the CYP movement. Also, I just finished writing and working out the parts with a drummer Doug Tranghese for a new 6 song record coming out sometime this year. I'm very excited about how this is sounding. We start recording in a few weeks. Hope your lives are going well. Rock on and stay tuned!