Welcome to the New Year...and new Horrors
Hey Everyone,
I hope everyone has had a killer holiday break and that you've already broken your new year's resolution at least once ;)
I put some new music up for your pleasure; "Play me at Midnight", another slice of metal goodness to get your day started right!
If you're interested, I've also uploaded the final track "Ragmans Revenge" to my SoundCloud account, so pop by for a sneak peak or wait for a week or so and it will be posted here :)
Thank you again for all the messages, it's so awesome to hear from you. You make making music fun and exciting and I thoroughly appreciate your patronage and support. Keep the conversation going by sending me a message here or at
For HQ Downloads of all this album and many other tracks (close to 2hrs!) stop by my soundcloud page and take me wherever you go...uhmmm, ya...that doesn't sound too stalker-ish :/
Thanks again and enjoy the music
Your Humble Servant in Music...
Christopher Carrion xxx
PS: Next album is going to be AMAZING!