Playing for you, praying for you
Thank you, all. I have always wanted to be authentic and I think that comes through and that at this time in history people want to connect with things that are genuine amidst so much else. I've been at it a long time so there's other work of mine in various places - has the MCA album from '77 and Amazon Music has a collection of mine titled 'Everybody Knows' that has my first self-produced tracks which have held up pretty well. If I could afford it I'd be in a studio doing my new songs with an engineer because I've never been good at being a musician and technician at the same time. Maybe that'll happen. I really appreciate your willingness to 'purchase' my songs but I've never seen a cent from N1M and sometimes suspect it's a hustle to keep obscure artists paying yearly dues; that's not why I make music anyway, I do it because I keep getting better and I'm obsessed with how it keeps unwinding and revealing new levels of itself. It's leading me home.
Good luck.