Song Reviews
Rain Rain Come Again
When I get to see my good friend Craymo on NumberOneMusic I'm always excited. Way to go Craymo on more music! I love that this popped up and I'm getting a chance to hear it here. Your've got a great vocal performance here. The simplicity of the musical arrangement is well produced, thought out and mixed. It's a wonder why we don't have more opportunities on traditional radio outside of songs that make our ears bleed (Bieber, etc...).
United States, California, Huntington Beach
December Rian
I love the lyrics of this song. It expresses a universal experience of people who find love in part but not love that is faithful and steadfast and true. Several times we go back with hope but find that the first conclusion was the right one..."to walk away" toward the true destiny of our soul mate. This is a timeless song lyric. We often call but soon realize our call is not being answered. Like an owl waiting for his mate to return to the nest who has chosen another. I love the percussion in this song understated but carries the whole song, This is an excellent Pop Rock, an intricate instrumental in a tapestry woven of words of revelatkon to carry the listener through the pain of rejection to the other side of wholeness and decision to keep seeking, keep calling. Superb execution in every way! Very current! I would love a chance to Review your Song The Circle of Life We Are One which is also one of my favorites.
United Kingdom, Tintern
Heart swells in Truth.
Surpurb and emotion of lyrics...crescendo and timing are great! What I can say is the emotion can be felt in this tune. I could imagine this as a sound track for a movie...or played in a background scene. Craymo....this is a great song...well thought out ....or is it spiritual emotion that is touching my soul? Yes there is a spiritual element in you and it comes out very well in this song. Well Done my brother. Salute!!
United States, Pennsylvania, Carlisle
Great Job
You did a phenomenal, fantastic, extravagant job on this piece of music. Your song is a piece of art and I am confident that if you continue this type of work with the right amount of passion then you will go far in this business. If you don't mind my saying, I think you should reach out to some graphic designers, photographers, producers, editors, collaborators, labels and anything and everything else that has to do with the business because you have the talent to go far. You just need to get in touch with the right people.
United States, Florida, North Port
Review of December Rain
I really like the song! I would have given it a 5, but the only thing I would have changed is I would have brought in the beat earlier instead of the snare rolls. Like your voice, well sung, distinctive tone and feeling, and well written song with chorus. Kind of reminds me of Lionel Richie's Hello, but it's your own. Great Job! I will follow you - keep making great music. Maybe add a gospel choir, but I know that costs money, haha! Nice mix in the song as well. Enjoyed listening!!
United States, Georgia, Atlanta
This is a nice Melody seem like work in progress..first part is way to long be good idea to make it shorter and "go to the juce" much faster..Music Publisher will not listen over 2 min waiting for is good to perform it at Life Concerts but is not ready for "The World" yet..Radio Stations will not use it because is too long so try to make it between 2.5 - 3.5 min long..Try to send It to Them and let's see what will happen.. I wish You good luck..Good Job...
United States, California, Los Angeles
very warm and soothing intro. very crystal clear and beautiful voice as well. the title of the song is intriguing and captured my attention. soon as i had the piano keys going i knew it was going to be a positive song. the quality and concept of the song is above average and those back ups are on point as well. love when the drums come in. they give the song a slight energy boost.
United States, Idaho, Boise
summer rain
excellent song!! really good subject and vibe,,,didn't know wether to cry or waltz!! you have a lot of talent! keep up the great work!! the mix and engineering are great as well !! I could see people dancing to this song at a wedding!!
United States, New Jersey, Jersey City
Nice lyrics
Nice lyrics...The body of the song is very well thought out... The transitions are well thought out. ( Positive criticism: pitch on that 1rst vers- that's the 1rst things folks hear) Otherwise GOOD JOB ! Enjoyed listening...Thx for sharing :-)
United States, Louisiana, Lake Charles
Very well done
The piano line is beautiful! I think a touch of reverb or delay might make it even better...just a suggestion. Your voice is smooth and very steady and just pleasant to listen to. As the song progresses, the piano gets a bit too loud and slightly masks the vocal line, though. So another suggestion for you would be to turn down the piano in the mix in certain spots. The vocal harmonies are very well done. And the jump in intensity about halfway through was a nice surprise!
United States, Wisconsin
Está bien la canción, buena melodía, buena voz, la instrumentación muy bien, empezando suave e introduciendo poco a poco los instrumentos para dar más fuerza. Muy bien y muy compensado todo. The song is good, good melody, good voice, the instrumentation very well, starting soft and introducing the instruments little by little to give more strength. Very good and very compensated everything.
Spain, Sevilla
Pretty pop music
Hello! A nice piano sound in introduction, but in my opinion a little too metallic in the treble. The voice is well recorded and well forward. The arrival of the snare is well come, a bit "military ", right? But the effect is interesting. The whole composition is very classical, but there is a nice progression throughout the piece, with the entrance of the instruments one after the other. A good job!
December Rain Review
The piano sound and the drum arrangement take away from the track. I like the song but the beginning kinds of loses me a bit. Please don't take this wrong (I wouldn't but some people might get insulted), but this reminds me of a Barry Manilow song. I think of that as a good thing because it has all the essential elements of a hit. Your vocal approach and backgrounds work well. I would just change the drum arrangements in the beginning of the song. A good string arrangement would really make a difference also. Lastly, if you can't find a better piano sample that sounds more realistic, perhaps a rhodes would work better. Really good writing!!
United States, New York, Uniondale
I really enjoyed this track, it has a real feel of Don McLain and the piano has a real Love ballad feel as though it was a Lionel Richie tune. It goes well the feel is real, it’s recorded well and mixed and mastered nicely. There are times it gets a little samey and that’s a shame coz it’s not a bad track If you like love songs then this is the tune for you , unfortunately there is nothing original, back to the drawing board Very good effort. JC
United Kingdom, Ryde
Remarkable Popsong!
A nice love-song with eloquent message. The lyrics come from the heart and touching the soul. A story above relationship with melancholy feelings, turning again into engaging hope through love. The song is a mixture of alternative rock and pop music at his best. The music starts off with melodic piano sound. Craymo beginns with his unique vocals what sounds great. But the whole composition is more various. The rythm changes in the bridges, making the song rich and brings the listener on the next level. Real good drums are straight on the point. E-guitar sound creating a great space in the backround and great voices in the chorus bringing increasing feel into the song. This composition is definitely professional and very creative and could be a radio hit. I can´t stop listen to this song and I´m sure, you will like to add it. Let others know your recommendation.
Germany, Hamburg