11 months ago

Donations are accepted

We are "DA BING RECORDS LLC" a Multimedia Entertainment Company. DA BING RECORDS LLC and its counter parts, Dirty Doc Productins/Dirty Doc Productions $tudios and $TRICKLY $TREETZ Entertainment all agree in one and are the entertainment division of a non profit organization named DRAYTON INDUSTRIES INCORPORATED (https://sites.makaih.club/free/mrchairman/drayton_industries_incorporated) DA BING RECORDS LLC operates in the same space as Warner Bros., Universal and Sony. We are a new company and our goal in the entertainment industry, besides making music, currently we only produce mix tapes, a television series (WUTZ GOOCHIE!?!) and music videos, is to become the fourth largest entertainment company in the world, behind the big three previously mentioned. That being said any and everyone who donates will be apart of history in the making. DA BING RECORDS LLC  is the producer of the Franchise mix tape volumes "$TRICKLY $TREETZ" and "BEAT JAKRZ". The following are current websites (they detail our company's past endeavors): https://www.reverbnation.com/label/dabingrecordsllc https://www.soundclick.com/dabingrecordsllc https://youtube.com/@dollarsign8931?si=nKIUW0EEQELiRse3 https://www.n1m.com/dabing Owning studio space, studio equipment, having our own business website, being able to properly market/advertise and having a team of talent managers are some of the areas your donated funds will be used towards. We are unable to receive conventional business loans because we lack proof of steady business income. Although selling music does pay, in royalties, those royalties roll in slowly and inconsistently. Loan officers and underwriters require that we show a stable monthly income for them to be able to say we can pay the loan's monthly installments. The funds donated also will be used to purchase, renovate and remodel a building located at: 140 Elm street in Champlain New York 12919 This location will become our new base of operations for everything. DA BING RECORDS LLC and it's counter parts will be able to better perform music production, music video production, television and movie production. We will also have performance space and possibly be able to house our own news and radio broadcasting stations. Paying an Architect to draw blue prints, a construction team, the filing of necessary permits with the department of buildings are some expenses that will be paid for by your donation. Also an interior designer to remodel the property, along with materials and equipment to complete the construction, renovation and remodeling, advertising and marketing of our newly renovated and remodeled multipurpose entertainment space to prospective renters, musicians and artists are also costs that will be covered by the donations. We are asking that you help us, "DA BING RECORDS LLC", raise $2,000,000.00 to produce, not only the next series of franchise "$TRICKLY $TREETZ" and "BEAT JAKRZ" mix tape volumes to the world, but to also provide entertainers, those trying to break into the entertainment industry, a way in, world wide. Our donation link: https://paypal.me/DABINGRECORDSLLC?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Want to invest in DA BING RECORDS LLC contact us at: emails: dabingrecords@hotmail.com, dirtydocproductions@gmail.com, draytonindustriesinc@yahoo.com phone: 1(917)334-2686, 1(347)478-1287 Thank you for your time and attention to our concerns. Peace & Blessings

:blush: :scream: :smirk: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :rage: :disappointed: :sob: :kissing_heart: :wink: :pensive: :confounded: :flushed: :relaxed: :mask: :heart: :broken_heart: :expressionless: :sweat: :weary: :triumph: :cry: :sleepy:





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