6 years ago

Release Day!

Hello all you out there! ❤️ And thank you for subscribing! Today is a good day. And the digital release day for 1st single from the debut album '7 Steps' by Swedish indie pop/rock band PyraKite. This is a good time to tell you a little about it. ‘7 Steps is really a concept album meant to be experienced from start ‘til end. Unfortunately during times like this most peoples attention span doesn’t reach further than just about 3 min. And that’s about the time it takes for you to listen to this happy lovesong. ???? We, on the other hand, think more of our fans. ????That’s why we’ll release the full album on the 23rd of September this year. Then you’ll experience about 35 minutes of lovely indie pop/rock music with a new refreshing and unique sound. ❤️ On top of that: By then we also have released a remix of ‘Beauty Queen’ on the 1st of june and a second single ‘Go High’ on the 22 nd of June. Isn’t that just great?! :) Best of wishes /PyraKite





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