Come Back to Jesus

Dana Jordan "Come Back to Jesus"

Song Reviews

Awesome song

This song is so beautiful. What a wonderful message for that prodigal son that has went astray. Wow all they have to do is just turn it all back to him. Come back to Father's house. I know this song is gonna touch alot of hearts. I pray it wins more back slidders and brings them back in before it is too late. This song really tells the story about how he is still there waiting with his arms out stretch ready to hug you and welcome you back in. So anointed!

United States, Ohio, Wheelersburg

Review= Come Back To Jesus

Wonderfully made. A delight that inspires the believer to worship and praise. The vocals are such a powerful call to return to Jesus and quite inviting, A lovely blend with the instruments and calming, soothing and relaxing. A song to move you and lead one to crave a renewing of mind, body and soul in the Christ. Great Job, I pray you are exceedingly abundantly blessed in all your endeavors for his purposes.

United States, Massachusetts, Springfield MA

Come Back To Jesus

Well written with a really good mix and you have a great voice. It's easy to understand why it's been number one for so long. The gospel message comes through clearly and gives hope and encouragement to those listening. Thank you for yielding your gifts to The Lord.

United States, Arkansas, Bella Vista

Good Song

Good Song and a Job well done...Keep on Singing for Jesus and let your Song keep Blessing People...That is what it is all about.....If it Blesses just one Soul that is Great...I know it is Blessing more than that....Cong. on being Number 1 Global...Keep up the Good work....

United States, Tennessee, New Market

Clean as country water

Dana Jordan has written and sung a clean, straightforward country song, inviting rather than urging any Christian who has gone astray to do what our whole country needs to do: come back to Jesus. The production is simple, with no drums or keys, just upright bass, guitar, mandolin, and clean, well-sung vocals, highlighted by 3-part harmonies. The musicianship is strong, especially the guitar, and the mix is picture perfect.

United States, Texas, Kyle

Welcome Back

I thought the song, was very well written and excited. The music was accommodating with a soothing blend for the vocalist......Most of all the message was on target, our way does not must let Jesus be in control.......Great Job!!!!

United States, Kentucky, Danville

Come back to Jesus

This is a very good song, beautiful lyrics, lovely melody with a catchy chorus. Your vocals are very good, sung well and this song has the potential to be a hit but then you say it is already a hit! Well done, good job, keep it up! Bless you.

South Africa, Cape Town



I have just listened to your song from the beginning to the end. The instrumental sounds good. The vocals sounds good. Entry and finish sounds good. Perhaps something to consider for future projects would be to beef up on backing vocals, have more voices where possible. The message of the lyrics is great. Keep up the good work. I am Christian musician too. God bless you.

South Africa, Johannesburg

In MY Opinion


Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning anothers creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound of the recording over-all is crisp and bright and clear, great guitar work, vocals are sweet until you bring in the harmony, then it sounds like an out of time - delayed duet, sorry. The drum and bass do not really sound real, but, mechanical, like a drum machine. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny review - Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning anothers creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is crisp and bright and clear, great guitar, and mandolin work, vocals are smooth and easy to understand ALL the words. I love the tempo and beat. It was easy to get into the rhythm with and want tap along. This song also made me want to search out more of your works. The message in the song was wonderful. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny

United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT

Come back


Good morning Dana. So wonderful to hear the words of this song. So much truth and realism. To hear the evangelism aa d ministry in the song is so touching. Your voice is so refined and mature. Keep on writing and singing. Thankyou

United Kingdom, Luton



Hola Dana, no hablo el ingles ni lo entiendo, bueno algunas cosas, pero estoy segura que los mensajes que llevemos a las personas que sea han alejado del Jesús son tan importantes como llevar el mensaje a las no creyentes. ayudarles a reflexionar de lo que han dejado, no vale la pena seguir por el camino equivocado y que Jesús esta con sus brazos abiertos dispuesto a abrasarles nuevamente y recibirles en su gracia bendita que aun es vigente. te felicito y bendigo por tu ministerio. te hablo Yudy Valverde desde Cali Colombia tambien comparto mis canciones en N1M. BENDICIONES EN CRISTO

Colombia, Cali

music the universal language


there is one God, and Father of us all! I enjoy of type of music, when America turned away from God, America is in big trouble spiritually, because American think that they can take God out of certain things, but God is everything, God is everywhere at the same time, and there is no hiding from God. my God will not accept anything, if you are a person that lye , stop lying if you are someone that have envy, jealousy and strife in your heart against another person then you need to get it right.

United States, Alabama, Mobile

Thoughts on "Come Back To Jesus"


To begin with the title - "Come Back To Jesus" is a sermon without a note being played ... a great title for a song. The short guitar/mandolin intro opens the song to a strong melody and vocals that are easy to follow and well suited for Dana's lovely voice. The words are simple yet call the sinner and backslider to come back to Jesus. A great song for an altar call in any church you might find yourself in on a Sunday morning... or better yet - a revival service somewhere - anywhere! The music bounces along, carrying the singer's words straight to the heart. While I'm not a big fan of country songs, this song is a pure delight to the ears, and a perfect fit for your voice. The sweet - gentle call to repent is hidden in the words, but it's clear to anyone who has run from God. This is a message appropriate for people all over the world, it is timeless in it's meaning... that in itself is priceless. I think this song would have been a tad stronger if it had "brushes" on the snare, or a little side stick in the mix... I can hear some strings sounds as the song past the middle and heads home. It would have been an added touch to a great song. A little harp going out at the very end would have take the song up and out. That being said, it's a beautiful - lovely song, with wonderful lyrics! Thanks for sharing such a powerful and wonderful song with everyone! You are one talented lady, and I'm so glad you're singing for Jesus Christ and those He died for... In Jesus Name, Michael D'Aigle

United States, Michigan, Flushing



Hello I don't normally listen to country music but I must say I really enjoy your song come back to Jesus it just something about singing about the name Jesus that touches me very encouraging song I think it was well written and perform very good as well keep writing keep singing and keep inspiring others God bless you

United States, Pennsylvania, PHILADELPHIA

Come Back to Jesus


Hi again Dana. I love your mandolin intro. I love the progression of the questions that makes one think; and then the answer; yes. Great music and voice girl. Nice musical interlude in between the verses. I pray that the holy Spirit would convict listeners of any sinful issues left unresolved by the time the song ends; great material for Him to work with. ;) Keep up the great work Dana. Blessings, Trev. :)

Canada, Alberta, Edmonton

For your song Come back to jesus


Awesome lyrics!!! Every thing was thought out and put together very well!!!! Anyone could tell how much you love our lord and savior!!! I loved listening to your song !!!! Anyone loving jesus would!!! God bless!!!! Keep on signing for him!!!!!

United States, Ohio, Grover Hill





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