Dan Hix
6 years ago

Do you need to hear my song?

Well, honestly, no. You need air to breath, food to eat, water to drink, shelter to live in, and that's about it. But actually, peculiar to the human element, don't we all have other, more subtle needs as well? The need to be understood, the need to be appreciated for our unique qualities, the need to be forgiven for our faults, the need to be encouraged to attain our higher natures. Thus lies the human condition. We need more than the basic essentials for our survival. As the matter of fact, the unseen elements of the human condition, those qualities of love, hope, compassion, understanding, loss, pain, and triumph are often more essential at times than the food that nourishes us or the air we breathe. Songwriting, to me, is a condensed version of poetry that alludes to those unseen, elemental qualities that define our unique and universal potential to ascend to greater heights than the physical needs we require. It's a great responsibility. It has to be true. It must elevate or inform the listener, or it's a waste of time. That's my standard, I don't always reach it. But I want to thank you for inspiring me to try. I want to thank you for giving meaning to my songs, because if no one listens, they're just exercises in self-reflection. By subscribing to my e-mail list you have given me the opportunity to receive your input, your feedback, and I treasure your input and commentary. Before the end of the month, May, 2018, I will release at least one more song, hopefully two or three! Keep me on your radar! Join my e-mail list on my website www.dannydanhixmusic.com, as all my releases are uploaded there first. If you can share my songs with your friends, and maybe buy a download to help me put out my album. If not, just enjoy and listen! Thank you for your amazing support! Your friend, Danny "Dan" Hix





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