Man Among Men / New Cd

Hey all:
Just wanted to thank you for the support here. My song "Man Among Men" has been number 1 in the Florida Americana charts this week, and number 20 in the Global Americana charts because of your interest and your listening. Thanks for that! If you haven't heard it, have a listen. Lyrically, it might interest some of you. Otherwise, there's the great work of the rockin' band joining me.
I'm happy to also let you know of some more progress on my upcoming CD, Changing World. We've final mixes for 7 songs and have only 3 more to do. We'll likely finish those this week, then do final tweaks and mastering. I've got a mid-November CD release concert planned in Miami. More on all that later. The cover art that I've attached here is generously made available to me by William Cordova, a great Miami artist. Check it out.