Dave Hillsley
Canada, British Columbia, Vancouver
About Dave Hillsley
About The Eaglenestrecording Studio....Hi I was born in London England of a military family. We moved to Canada and lived at the Canadian Forces Base Oakville. There i became accustomed to Military grade rudimentary drumming. I studied percussion with Gus Figiola at the Royal Conservatory for two years. My studies included notation, and advanced hand and foot rudiment work with independence. An example of this work can be found on my music song list at the last part of the song..... "Beginnings" by Chicago. I went to Nashville with Dallas Harmes... at the time Canada #1 recording artist. The band recorded at Starday and R C A Studio. I then returned to Canada and worked in and around the Ontario circuit for a number of years. Moved to Van B C IN 1996 where i opened up the rehearsal, and the Eaglenestrecording studio. The studio ran successfully until 2015 when the building was sold. Retired now, i just built a 600 sq ft addition as a recording studio on the side of my house. This will also be called the Eaglenestnestrecording studio. I do all the drumming, percussion, and sound effects for these tune,s. In addition i do the vocals, play Hammond B3 organ, synth, and guitar. I also do all the production, rearrangements, and engineering. As soon as i can i,ll get someone in to set up Itunes Anyway that,s about it. Tux is my Great Dane, i call him Tiny... as he,s just over 200 lb,s. He cost me lot,s, keeps me poor, but gives me lot,s. So thank-you so much for your interest and listening.... i hope it brings you a some happiness. Thanks again Dave n Tuxedo......Rosanna ...Have i told you lately that i love you...You are so beautiful......... Recorded January 1st 2020 If you search engine Dave Hillsley then Number One Music you will find a page that
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