Dave Norman
7 years ago

The Crocodile Hunter

Hi, thought I'd put up my song 'The Crocodile Hunter' from my recent Koala Blues EP. The song was inspired by Bob Irwin's book 'The Last Crocodile Hunter. about Steve and his life. As you may know the crocs in Australia are under threat again with some politicians suggesting that there needs to be a cull with one notable politician even suggesting that they should sell 'Crocodile Shooting tours' ! If any of you have seen crocodiles in the wild you'll know just how unique these creatures are coming from the age of the dinosaurs, living to 100 years or more, able to reduce their heart beat to one beat a minute and move through the water without a ripple ... the ultimate stealth hunter. Bob and Steve's aim was for people to recognise just how amazing these animals are and hopefully this song will also help them in this regard. If you haven't seen them in the wild I really think it's one for the bucket list along with the Koala, Dingo, Bilby and the Great Barrier Reef which I have also written about and are on the EP. Thanks again for all your support. We're currently coming close to 200,000 views, 150,000 shares and 1,427 subscribers which is quite amazing and really shows the desire to keep these animals living in their natural habitat. It just needs understanding and consideration to achieve ... the more people who know the better the outcome for all wildlife. All the best, Dave





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