Dave Norman
7 years ago

Back to the studio !

Hi, been a while since my last newsletter so I thought it was time to update you all ! At the start of June I played at the National Koala Conference in Port Macquarie. It was a bit of a drive, 650 clicks, but well worth it. The performance had been kept secret and was the first time many people had heard 'Song for the Koala' which went down a storm - apparently there were people in tears ! The performance can be seen on YouTube at www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=8_Hj9pM-vdQ. The Koala Hospital at Port Macquarie is a worldwide tourist attraction and is currently being refurbished. One of the refurbishments is a giant video screen and the song and video will be part of this. This is expected to take place around September or October of this year so another trip will be in order to kick it all off ! The good news locally is that our koala population in Moreton Bay is now INCREASING at a rate of 22% ! This is an incredible turnaround from previous decreases which have been as high as 85%. Am expecting to start seeing young males pushing out as they try and find new territories ... The other big news is that I am back at the recording studio starting this weekend.. I have a Koala festival at Noosa I'm playing at then I'll be going to the Gavin Hamburger studios where most of my other songs were recorded to start work on the new EP which has been sponsored by an overseas sponsor. The thoughts are to put some wildlife songs together which we can also try and get into the schools to push the message through the children, after all the future is in their hands ! I've added a picture of one of the creatures I've written a song about, it's a bilby, there used to be millions running around but they are now down to the last few (could be as little as @650) as their numbers have been decimated by feral cats and foxes. Many of the last remaining few are now housed in an electrified fence area in the north of our state ... hopefully my new song 'Once in a Blby Moon' can bring attention to their plight. Thanks again for all your support and shares. It really feel as if the message is getting out there and things are changing. We are lucky in Australia in that we have the chance to plan ahead with the wildlife in mind - let's hope we don't blow it. All the best, Dave





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