Dave Norman
7 years ago

KOALA BLUES EP now available on all leading music sites

My New EP 'Koala Blues' is now available on CD and from all leading digital music websites. We believe this is a great way to let people know about the plight of these animals and give the wildlife a voice ! As well as making the EP generally available the plan is to try and get it into the schools so the children get to learn about the environment through the songs. The new EP contains the following tracks: 1. Song for the Koala – a song about the plight of the Koala which was played at thisyears National Koala Conference at Port Macquarie in June 2. It's Hard to be a Dingo – this song was written for the Jane Goodall Institiute's Day of Action for the Dingo and received Highly Commended at the 2015 Queensland Music Awards 3. The Crocodile Hunter – an up tempo bush song inspired by Bob Irwin's recent book 4. Once in a Bilby Moon – written to help the Bilby Organisation and the plight of the bilby 5. Don't Wait until Tomorrow – a ballad about Global Warming Although we'd like to cover costs we are not really trying to make money out of it, but are more interested in putting the message across and believe that songs are a great way to do this. We're lucky to have such amazing wildlife in Australia, and we need to protect it !





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