David Sorrels
3 years ago


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I am so excited to release this new song called "Deeper". That's our prayer here at the Sorrels' residence. We want to go deeper with Him and know Him more and more this year. I'm excited again to have my wife, Wendy, singing with me on this song. This was a huge production and took a lot of time. I tried some new things on this song, played all of the instruments and produced this from top to bottom. God is so good as I've been praying for a way to produce my songs in a more semi-professional manner. When this all began, I started with just my guitar and my phone. Now we are starting to grow by adding new software, instruments and many other things. This has been a great start to the New Year as we have officially stepped out into full time ministry as well. All for His glory and for His kingdom. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Let me know your thoughts on the song. David





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