Mama Taught Me How to Pray

Donna Burke

Song Reviews



Such a great expression of what your mother instilled in you. The chorus is beautiful when the extra voices come in, adds the right flavor to the song. The instruments you use in this song flow perfectly, not sure if thats a flute or not, but sounds good. Great voice Donna, mama taught me how to pray as well.

United States, Mississippi, Jackson

Mama Taught Me How to Pray.


As a label owner, I hear a lot of demos. Most of the time these are artists trying to get signed but since I also run the publishing division, I do get submissions from writers. Most don't make it past the first minute of listening but this one is quite a wonderful song. It has all the makings of a country gospel hit. Donna is also the performer and has a great voice to perfectly fit the genre. She has had some past recognition and probably doesn't need another "atta girl" review, but honestly, there's not much more to add. Listen to it.

Canada, Ontario, Windsor

Beautiful song

This is a beautiful song about mama . She has a beautiful voice as well on this song. I don't really know else to say so s so so so so so so so so Beautifulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

United States, Arkansas, Mtn. View

Very soothing

Your Voice is very soothing and what a lovely song!! It’s is a good song and well written too, you have a blessing on your hands and please be encouraged to bless us with many more sounds like this! Shalom

United States, North Carolina, Raleigh

Very nice!

I really enjoyed hearing your song tonight . It is the sweetest song about your mamma. I think that your song will minister to others. Your vocals are very nice, clear and strong. The music was done very nicely and did not overpower your voice, like so many other songs that I have heard. Thank you for sharing your song . Please continue to sing and record your songs because you have a very good quality voice. God bless you.

United States, Louisiana, Morgan City

In MY Opinion


Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning another's creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is very crisp and bright and clear, I really enjoyed the background music. Vocals are smooth and natural, sort of - down to earth as they say, and extremely peaceful. The mix levels let me know who was still in charge of this song. Very easy to sit back and listen to. Made me want to hear the complete song. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny

United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT



Upon hearing this piece, I approached listening with an open mind but prepared to be true to my taste. Upon first connecting with the sound of the music, there was most definitely a positive impact that was made and with every segment of the song I was drawn into the songs atmosphere more and more. I can honestly say, that there was at no point in the song where I wanted to turn it off. The tone of the vocalist was rich and pleasing to the ear. The lyrical content was meaningful. The execution of the melodies were nice to listen to and the music complimented the lyrics and melodies, which made for a pleasant listening experience over all. My feeling about this artist is truly a five star appreciation, for taking the time to craft such a work that allows the listener to share in that moment where the hearts message connects with the passion to create and produced a heart song that us music lovers can cherish and share with other. Thank God for mama!

United States, California, POMONA



Thanks had the best sleep ☺️ a little late today but when she got a lawyer for name you have to call the police to the office now she's saying you need me to get a job you are not a real estate agent is going to rock quarry a good day and turn it in to the office and turn it in to the office now and take it to the office now to get the stuff for the rest of the week and I will be there at the same time as the other one is Vicki and I

United States, North Carolina, Winston Salem



Your voice is very special and is complimented so beautifully by this guitar accompaniment and the other instruments. You have a precious anointing in the sound of your voice. I hope you keep going forward and release your Voice over the airwaves. Keep singing wherever you are asked. You will sing songs of healing and comfort just like His Voice to our hearts. Beautiful words in these lyrics. The musicianship in this song is excellent. Keep sowing your talents and Trust in God Come What May!

United Kingdom, Chepstow South Wales



I love the concept and the dedication of this song. I believe this is a great way to pay tribute to your mother. The music is complementary to the lyrics and to me that complete a song. The instrumentation is professional and well put together. The vocals are good except in a couple areas it seemed you were a bit nervous. Maybe I heard the wrong thing but that's just what I felt at certain places in the song. Other than that I think the concept and idea of this song were accomplished.This is a nice composition, I think this song could be classified in acoustic genre, just something to think about. Continue on your journey in music, you should do fine.

United States, Florida, Miami



Hey, Donna, you have a sweet soft voice and your background music is great. I just lost my mother and just before she passed I wrote a song called Mama Don't Worry. Basically telling her when she was in her last days that I would do her remembering because she couldn't. Enough about me. A great song for any day, not just Mother's Day. Cherish the time with your mother. I sure did and I miss it now. Great work and continue to do your best. God bless you and your Mother. DE

United States, Montana, Missoula


I listen Your song 2 times trying to found something good in it...all I found is a melody ..everything has to be re write and re record.. the Quality of Recording is very bad.. did You did it on computer or something..I know that Your Friends will say that this is the Best song ever written.. but is NOT..if You work on it who knows but haw it is now Nobody will play it on The AM / FM Radio and no Publisher will "touch it"..I'm telling You truth.. is is good to gave it Your Mother.. but in The Music Bizz it has no chance..well pitch it to Them.. and let's see if anybody will respond... and if They will I will be FIRST to tell You that You did a Fantastic Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles

A soothing and peaceful song!


This song is gentle and soothing. If I was a program director for a Country station that has a religious block, I would program this on a Sunday morning before church. For my station, I play more upbeat type songs. God Bless and keep praising the lord!

United States, Texas, Lubbock




Australia, Warragul 3820

Beautiful Lyrics


I love these lyrics and the music is beautiful. I am also close to my mother and love her dearly. The message of joining your mother with God is a beautiful sentiment. I love that this is a love song for God, prayer and your mom. The vocals can be shakey in places but the harmonies are on point. Keep making amazing music!

United States, Texas, Alvin

Sweet love song


Donna Burke has penned and sung a sweet, smooth-flowing love song to her mother, with a strong underlying message about the power of prayer and thanksgiving in all circumstances. The arrangement is simple but well-executed country, with guitar, bass, flute, and electric piano. Donna's voice is clear and sweet and on-pitch, and she is backed by talented vocalists singing 3-part harmony in tastefully chosen spots. It's a quiet, soothing sound, tailor made for the front porch on a summer evening. Unfortunately, there are 3 electronic blips that break the spell, like hiccups. The first is right at the top of the recording. The second comes in the phrase "though it's been years", and the third near the end of the song when she pauses in the phrase, "Mama taught me how . . . to pray." That third blip shows up in the dramatic pause, and spoils the effect. At first, I thought this sound was surely coming from one of my other apps, but after closing all of them, and playing through the song 3 times, with the blips happening at exactly the same spots each time, it was clear that it was on the recording itself. I want to encourage Donna to keep up the good work, and give a close, critical listen to the final product before releasing.

United States, Texas, Kyle



AWESOME tribute from a son who obviously loves his mama. GREAT arrangement, very soothing guitar work. Nice lyrics, the flute fits very nice with the guitar. The harmonies are very nice. I would say if you dropped the key a half step, you would gain some range and lose some of the tin on your voice. Also just make sure you keep your pronunciation sharp. Production was clean, vocals up front where they belong, overall NICE JOB

United States, Texas, Ft Worth

Mama Taught Me How to Pray


Hi Donna Such a pleasure to review your song. I like your voice. Call me crazy, but my imagination is drawn to a scene in the movie "Sister Act." Do you remember where the one nun had a bit of a quiet singing voice? A wee bit of flats and sharps through-out the song, but nothing to worry about. When your voice gets stronger, those will disappear. I kind of see you as that gal; and that, with a bit of practise, you can release the giant of a voice that cries out to sing wonderful praises to God. One way or the other, keep singing for Jesus. :) Over-all, a very nice song. Great guitar to carry the song. Is that also a bit of strings in the background. Nice placement of the flute. Blessings on you sister, Trev. :)

Canada, Alberta, Edmonton


Hey there hun, One thing I try to do consistently is listen to an album I’m reviewing in a variety of contexts. A lot of people might think of a music critic pensively listening to a record alone in a silent room and through huge, state-of- the-art headphones . . . and true, sometimes I do that. But that’s not the only way people listen to music, and I try to remember that when I’m writing about a record. I want to take it out for a test-drive— to try it out in real life. I try to listen on speakers and on headphones. I try to give it a few spins (pen and notebook in hand, usually) focused specifically on the music and when I’m playing it in the background of doing something else. Sometimes I’ll listen alone and sometimes with other people. Music filters into our lives in a variety of ways, and I try to keep this in mind when I’m evaluating it.

United States, Florida, Pompano Beach



Hi Donna, I really loved this song as it reminds me so much of my mother.. You captured the essences of the that experience in your lyrics and music. The music was mixed very well and I loved the dynamics as well. All in all this is one of the more pleasant surprises I have taken time out to review on this site. Please keep up the great work and writing music for the Lord. We can win hearts one note at a time if need be. God Bless! Craig T @ NCMusicNEt

United States, North Carolina, Stanfield





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