Deb Cavanaugh
10 years ago

CD release date & more

Hi everyone, I know I've been quiet for a while now. Thanks for waiting. I've been busy working on this new CD. It is almost finished and due to be released in mid-November. I've currently got a GoFundMe campaign running. It will help pay for the printing and artwork. There are 11 songs and 11 memoirs on a separate CD or downloadable. Each song has a memoir piece that corresponds to it. It's been a lot of work and well worth every minute. Please watch the video on the site whether or not you decide to join the campaign. However, for the same price as the CD, you get more for your money. So definitely check it out. http://www.gofundme.com/edc4v0 Stay tuned for more ... and, as always, thanks for your support! Deb Cavanaugh





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