After two bands experiment, I'll start to record an album alone soon with professional musicians in order to see if people like my music. And after, who knows. Good luck to "Decisive easement emancipation Project" :)
an other song here:
- TueMay 1610:00pm
Click on buy tickets to listen
France, First album demo avalable on google play, https://play.google.com/store/music/album/DeeP_Michael_DALIAN_First_of_all?id=Bwuvtghtggvo5xdzvaaszu5ugka, 75000My first demo album avalable on google play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/DeeP_Michael_DALIAN_First_of_all?id=Bwuvtghtggvo5xdzvaaszu5ugka
1All Ages