Delit Mineur
France, Metz

About Delit Mineur
DM was born in 1996 of the meeting of 4 musicians and the fusion of their musical universes. In spite of an overflowing creativity, the beginnings were more than chaotic, our equals excessive, our passionate relationship, personal interactions, and this constant search for perfection, were not foreign. It must be recognized that we did not make music for good reasons, we wanted to be rock stars.
1997, this is the first disillusionment: the quality of the recording of the titles of the first album was not exploitable and the first crack with the precipitate departure of the lead guitar. We became a rock band without a guitar player. After six months of wandering, the repertoire was reworked rhythmically to compensate for the absence of guitar-hero. We evolved into a more groovy approach.
To the general surprise, the group began to exist in the media in 1998, notably thanks to the clubs success of our single "Always a chance" and the large-scale concerts that followed its publication. A success who broke the original training. In 1999, the group no longer existed, I started to develop an artistic project ambitious: a frenchy "the Rose". The Wanderings of 3 teenagers who will become the charismatic leaders of a rock band and who will die before they have time to become stars. If my studio performances turned out to be disappointing, "The TexTamenT" the photo book illustrating 30 titles of delit mineur and recounting this story was a real success of bookshop.
In 2000, while Working in the Studio to record the album "What's Left of Me", I fell victim to several discomforts and my vocal cords let me down. The doctors explained to me that I would never be able to sing again and that I would be lucky if I started talking again. Despite my aphony, I write new songs to ward off fate. My voice came back as I rocked the baby of my guitarist to put him to sleep. I sang "hotel california" and when I joined my friends, they were all in tears to have heard me sing in the baby phone. My voice was damaged, broken, I had won in bass, but I had lost all my treble. I made the promise to make music for good reasons: to share special moments with the public, without seeking to make money, or to become famous or to be liked at all costs. During two years, every weekend, I posed my voice on the guitars of my faithful friend George, just for both of us, to let a trace of the existence délit mineur. From this recording sessions will be born "Recidive" (Second Offence) and "Le gosse d'octembre" (What's left of me).
"Recidive" (second offence) is a concept album that takes up the lyrics and the story of "TexTaMenT", it has been a huge success and has opened the doors of independent radio stations thanks in particular to "I still think of you" which was chosen unanimously by the programmers and was ranked 10 weeks at the top of the charts.
"Le gosse d'octembre" (what's left of me) meanwhile, opened the doors of festivals to us and in 2003 we started to be programmed in Europe. The lyrics talk about the suffering of life or childhood, death, loneliness, young people's existential anxiety, suicide ... The original musical style is electro-fusion. Our music seems to be easy listening, but all of ours songs are built on jazz scales and minors chords. We try to make the fusion music accessible ...
Since 2003, we have done 1561 concerts, we are 20 musicians on stage and 15 technicians behind the scenes. I always keep the promise I made, which is why the concerts last 4 hours and the ticket price is always 15 euros. Délit mineur is an independant band who cares to his freedom of expression and creation apart from star-system. We want to keep our amateurish statut to preserve the soul that there is in our music.
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