Dennis P German
4 months ago

Life . . .

It’s about time I wrote something . . . Yes, I have a problem with what is essentially self-promotion. It’s just me trying to run this profile. I would get my stepdaughter to do it if she had time. But she has a full-time job, is finishing a bachelor's degree and has a boyfriend. She might say she “lives with family” but I always tell her to say that her parents live with her, since she has the best career situation, her name on the deed and she is the major contributor to the household costs. My prayer for her is mainly that she adheres to 1 Corinthians 10:31; Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Meanwhile, I am already experiencing very early symptoms of dementia. Mostly just short-term memory: I do not have any “blackout” periods. I am always conscious except when I’m asleep. Otherwise, I have a problem with coming up with words, mostly nouns. I can describe something in detail yet do not recall what it is called. Very frustrating. My dad didn’t appear to have these type of problems until he was in his 80s. So, I keep on trying to focus on the ministry, as this song states: https://dennispgerman.com/contemporary/s41.pdf That’s a rock n roller, partly borrowed from The Eagles. Another thing I struggle with is the genre. I have some songs I would like to post but I can’t really say I know where they fit, as far as that goes. I know some are leaning toward being country, but others are something else. Like what I just posted; Count It All Joy is very much a 1940s big band tune. Anyways, if you all could help define the genre for me that would be greatly appreciated. And if I have mislabeled anything, let me know. Thanks for listening, Dennis





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