Hi, and welcome to both new and old readers.
This week has been dedicated to planning and strategy building towards our first single release. And with that we have also hosted a small closed listening party for a lucky few.
- It mens the world to us.
Dedicated to some of our oldest friends, followers and fans from all over the world. We thank you for the incredible and positive attitude for our new album. It mens the world to us.
When you have dedicated a certain amount of time and energy into a project as we have with Sonata Di Morte, you kinda go blind on your own work, and you stop hearing it for what it is. It's like your brain has melted a template of how you hear the songs, and you can't get out of it.
- We didn't know what to expect.
This album has taken us through some really tough times, much tougher than we could have ever imagined. With personal problems, the world and its condition, lack of motivation and inspiration. We didn't know what to expect from the album and the new listeners.
So to have fresh minds and ears to give us a honest and direct feedback has been key to the next step of our release plan.
- The plan was not for us to fall of the chair
This pun turned around on us. And in a really unexpected way.
I have no words to describe how far over our expectations the feedback landed.
As with all music, it is an individual experience and you will have to accept that you will always hit people that it doesn't ring well with.
And this album will be no exception. That said.
The feedback we got was so good and positive, both well described, but also the honest F...K YEAH! Give me this album NOW! I NEED IT.
You kinda go soft and it really moves you in a way nothing else can when it come to your passion. To be able to share your music with people is always a dream come true, but at the same time we have worked our asses off to make this album our own, really our own. Our own sound, our own way of writing music, lyrics, bass and drums. We wanted to sound like a live band that plays with the heart on the outside.
And with the feedback we got, it gives us a really strong indication that we may have succeeded in just that. We are more syked than ever to move forward and really give this album as much attention during promotion as we have done making and producing it.
Well, that makes it all for today. Hope to catch you next time.
Holiday 2021
Due to holiday preparations, next update will come Wednesday December 22nd.
And the next after that is scheduled for Wednesday January 5th. 2022.
Stay safe.
All the best from us in Die With Fear / Dienamic