When A Song Stands Out From Todays Standards

Something that alot of people, friends and fans keep mentioning is that DJ-SLT-UK is a breath of fresh air when it comes to keeping music original and not following the somewhat empty music that nowadays consists of long buildup risers or heavy kick drums and rolling hi-hats and very little of anything else.
The latest song on here called "THINGS WILL CHANGE" is a prime example of this producers sublime quality when it comes to creating full 4-5minute songs (the way he was taught in the 1980's to write).
Some might say those days and those length of songs don't exist no more because the new gens won't listen to a song that's over 2 minutes long. One might argue that its because the quality of real music these days can't carry a song for those old standard of durations in a song.
Well this producer won't except any excuse for not creating full length songs as DJ-SLT-UK mentioned in a live radio show " If I choose to giveaway a song or sell a song then the song will be a song not a beat with a couple of sounds in the background regardless what style of music as the song when arranged correctly decides when the song finishes not the composer or producer".
If you would like to download his latest song after taking a listen - then head over to his Soundcloud profile; https://soundcloud.com/dj-slt-uk and you will find "THINGS WILL CHANGE" is available for free until the release date.
Yet once again, we at MUSIK HOUSE STUDIOS are amazed how rapidly (Under 1hour) DJ-SLT-UK created this future pop hit and we are sure his friends, supporters will also feel the same way.