'Breathe' by Calvin Bridges

The Donna Walton Gospel Network

Song Reviews

Good vibe

Has real good message and great music composition it has really enjoyable tone. I like the style of the song reminds me of some of the old time gospel soul that I use to listen with my Mom

United States, California, Pittsburg

Breathe by Calvin

This song is inspiring and speaks to the spiritual man and gives hope knowing that the breath of God can give life. Calvin really delivered this song in a special way, God Bless my brother in Christ, may the Lord God spirit continue to breathe on you.

United States, California, Emeryville

Powerful vessel of praise

The Donna Walton Gospel Network's recording of "Breathe" by Calvin Bridges is a powerful vessel of praise. With clear sincerity, solid songwriting around a theologically sound message, a marvelous and complex arrangement, sung with sincerity and passion by the lead vocalist and the backing choir, a strong and skilled band, and fine musicianship throughout, this work deserves much respect. The only thing that bothers me about it is that the bass is mixed too loud. Even though the bass player is good, the volume level on the bass sometimes overshadows and drowns out the vocals, making the lyrics a little hard to understand. Dialing that bass back about 10% would result in a better, clearer presentation, without sacrificing that solid rock bottom supplied by this talented player. Would love to hear more from this artist and group.

United States, Texas, Kyle

Up lifting! Love this song!

Should go all the way to Number 1#awesome song!Cant wait to hear more from them soon! Get some great reviews and you can also toon into Donna Walton gospel network and here great music like this great artist! God bless them for releasing such wonderful and inspiring music!!!

United States, Ohio, Findlay


Greetings! The message, instrumentals, and vocals/harmony are all very nice from the very beginning! I especially enjoyed the plea to the Holy Spirit to breathe on us! Truly, we need Him to breathe on us daily! You sing with such conviction and power! Keep on Spreading the Gospel!

United States, Maryland, Elkridge


Very good message with the times we are living in, May God bless you to bringing A positive message for a dark world, where so much light is needed... We encourage, and keep on being a blessing, only what you do for Christ will last, rather your music sells to millions or a few, be strengthened in knowing that it’s all about God getting the glory!!! Keep on writing, singing and doing his will.. be blessed...’

United States, Georgia, Atlanta

Takes Me Back To The 90's

Yes sir, old school and new school flavor. Strong , bold in your face vocals. My man Calvin Bridges is bringing the power and anointing. This takes me back to the groups from the 90's where songs had meaning ,Love it!

United States, Washington D.C., Washington


What an amazingly anointed, powerful worship song. Giving all praises to Jesus Christ, this music is awe inspiring! Best of luck in your music ministry I also enjoyed your harmpnies. This song took me back to my childhood, where we sang songs like this that uplift the spirit! Great job! Well Done! Breathe is a special song indeed!

United States, Georgia, Columbus


good morning. I really love the title I love the messy as I hear song songs lyrics me to marry you need serious version of coquito good creator. Hope you enjoy your weekend with your dress week stereo hideout here but keep on grinding keep on giving God the praise in your gifts and never stop sharing and never be afraid to go to the next level. hug you again cuz I love giving God the praise I love praise and worship anything to do with praising God I'm with it thank you again keep me posted a wonderful day may God continue to bless you and all that you go to do but to his glorious name

United States, California, Every Where

Layers of beauty!

Listening to this is beautiful. Layer on layer of Angelic harmony. Superb arrangement, musicianship, and vocal prowess! Doesn’t get better! If I had the job of producing this piece, I couldn’t think of anything else to add to a glorious production! Bravo!

United States, Arizona, Prescott

I Tip My Hat and I Bow!

Absolutely beautiful intro. The lead singer sounds familiar and his range is strong, outstanding, commanding and yet peaceful. The mix allows for the background to stand out without interfering with the lead. This is a beautiful song that sounds like the introduction of a new king or president. I can see this as a sound track for a movie. I would be surprised to not hear this on the radio every Sunday. But I know it will play every Sunday in my house. If you are looking for an uplifting song full of grace, this is the song for you. To the singer, I tip my hat! To the background, I bow. May God continue to bless!

'Breathe' by Calvin Bridges

Very Nice Harmonies and Beautiful lyrics, such an inspiring sound. It vibrates in my soul way down deep. I reaaly am feeling your music. I know there is an annointing over your music. God Bless you mightily and Abundantly in spreading his words and the Gospel. Much Love and Blessings HalleluYah!

United States, Massachusetts, Springfield MA

There is A difference

There is a difference between a good song and a hit record...a hit record is kinda like the woman or man u walk pass and without any conversation just eye contact you get goose bumps...and choke very few people get to marry that person. ...but everyone has experienced it and for a small fee you can buy that experience....a good song is just good and its good anyday of the week but u still long for a deeper connection that u cant exsplain.. this song my friend is a good song.. carrying the vibe of other good songs written in the same cadence...

United States, Georgia, Savannah


Calvin Bridges "BREATHE" is a great emotional inspiration that is Spirit filled and heart felt. A prayer that is vocalized with exceptional music. Outstanding! The message in the song is well delivered by the lyrics. A beautiful experience very deserving of the 5 star rating I've given.

United States, Nevada, Las Vegas

my thoughts

Thanks for sharing. As soon as the intro started i immediately thought of Ron Kenoly and thats a GOOD THING. Simple Worship to the Father is simply what it has to be about. The band is tight, mix is spot on. Vocals out front where they belong, choir behind, also where they belong. And this is a live recording? Awesome job, Love the lyric's. The lead vocalist sings with passion and conviction. Praise GOD. Overall GREAT job. Thank you

United States, Texas, Ft Worth

Excellent song

This is an excellent song that combines a dynamic lead vocal with the choir as a wonderful complement. Great lyrics that compels us to breathe along with the song. This is in the flavor of the Hawkins family with a little bit more contemporary twist 4 stars

United States, Michigan, Clarkston

Great song for this time

This song is anointed. It is needed for this season that the world is in. We need God to breathe on us. Bless God. Keep the music coming brother. I love the flow of the song. It is simple, but powerful

United States, Alabama, Birmingham


This song gives God praise, and that is what our music needs to do today. People are hungry for the word of God and in a song it will go far. I think of the Palms when I hear this song. Lord breathe on me was me white as snow make me whole.

United States, Tennessee, Memphis

In MY Opinion

Greetings, Thank you for choosing me to review your work, I count it an honor to be included in such a task. My hat is off to you and anyone willing to step out and share their gift, talent and love of music to the public. Be it a musician, singer, song writer, actor and so-on. I myself, via 40 some years of experience in the fields, on the road, in the studio, radio, TV, video, and management, consider myself to be a seasoned musician, singer, song writer, studio-sound tech/engineer/ owner/operator, stage manager, find it sometimes hard/difficult and perhaps not even fair to sit in a seat, voicing My Opinion concerning another's creative efforts. Especially in certain genres of music I am not all that familiar with concerning very important elements that make up and meet the required standards to justify the various levels of ratings and grades. So, in saying ALL that, I will limit myself to MY Opinion concerning the quality of the work according to My ears, and the standards I have been familiarized with thru-out the years. I hold to the old - saying " Beauty Is In The EAR of The Beholder ... LOL. The sound quality of the recording over-all is very crisp and bright and clear, I really enjoyed the message in this song.Think about a music solo break to step away from vocals for a short period in future works. Vocals are smooth and natural, sort of - down to earth as they say, and extremely peaceful. The mix levels let me know who was still in charge of this song. Very easy to sit back and listen to. I mean no offense in any part, I myself take all feedback and use it as a tool toward my next project. I pray you feel the same way. Either way, I say to you, keep doing what you do, keep kicking and enjoying what you do. I tell folks all the time for many years. When it stops being FUN, then it's time to stop, and stand back and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, what we and others are getting out it. Is it what we want, and how we want it. IF NOT. what are willing to do from there? Thank you again for asking MY OPINION. Johnny

United States, West Virginia, LUMBERPORT





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