Today, at a faster pace than ever before, the world is changing... Around the world, people, cultures, and borders, the leaders and, followers, the bad guys and, the good guys; nothing is quite the same as we have always thought about it for a very long time now... Out beyond people, the world's wildlife, our oceans, the climate and, even life itself is evolving... And, where we once looked up to see the sky, imagine Heaven beyond and, pray to a silent God, we now look so far back in time we can almost see the beginning of time itself... And, God doesn't look smaller; we do... Somehow along the way, we decided we, were the main subject of life and, we made ourselves believe that for as long as we've been thinking... We are only just now, as a species, beginning to understand how our whole world is but, a tiny grain of sand on the beach of a Universe so vast, we can't even imagine the end of it... So, as we now plod along self-awarding ourselves as the only thinking, thoughtful species we know of, how do we keep giving ourselves hope that life as we think of it, really means something that matters beyond ourselves...??? We, as humans, symbolize our feelings with the passage of time... It's called art... All art is an imagination projected outward into our world... It's beautiful to us in most of it's forms but, there is only one form of it that has the ability to pierce souls when we shut off all other senses: music... Music Is the one thing we can see with our eyes closed, feel when we're totally covered, think how it feels and, feel how it sounds... It can change how and, what we feel... It can create a mood within us that wasn't there and, change our very thoughts... This makes music the one art form universal to all humans and, even animals who have no concept of what it is... We can live without it but, why would we if, we didn't have to...??? There are many sites online to get music now and, this is only one of many thousands... But, it's one where I've put my songs so, to visit that part of me I call music; this is a place you can do that... Brightest blessings to all... Doug