Song Reviews

Ambient Piano Brilliance


Well, it's been awhile since I wrote a review and that is because I'm pretty busy these days with writing and recording but when the Doctor sends a request for ambient piano music I couldn't resist. As many of you know from my own music I love the idea of ambient and emotionally engaging music, Dr. Fred Cole manages to deliver that with his instrumental "Mausoleum". Sparse yet beautifully arranged Mausoleum is so satisfying on so many levels. It starts out very minimal which really sets up the listener for an amazing musical odyssey. By the halfway point, the track picks up in "intensity" and continues to compel the listener in a most pleasing and interesting way. From a performance perspective, Dr. Fred Cole nails it. The track is subtly intricate while never losing sight of its humble beginnings. The cascading runs and sonically complex harmony never become extraneous or over-wrought, instead they continue to build in such a way that keeps the music metaphorically moving forward, in a word, I was riveted for nine and half minutes while never becoming bored, not an easy thing to do when your track is over nine minutes long. From a production perspective the recording is really well done, the piano maintains a very rich tonal quality without becoming tinny or brittle, I'd be interested in knowing whether this was a real piano with a mic or was part of a sample library, either way it matters not because the recording is mint and only adds to the overall ambience of the track. This is a stellar track with killer production and unparalleled compositional value. Perfect for any occasion when you just want a little introspective quiet time. Dr. Cole, I salute you sir, this track was amazing, thank you :) XXXChristopher CarrionXXX

Canada, Ontario, Kingston

Nice piece of piano


Hello! Very beautiful sound of piano, and very good sound recording; what is not obvious with this instrument. This composition evokes me of big spaces, a little bit foggy, and a little of nostalgia. I appreciate especially the first part of the morçeau: it is for me more suggestive,it more makes me travel. The accentuations on certain notes are placed well and give of the relief to the composition: very nice! Have a good day!

Rock it

Mornings all and a Blessed fathers day to all DADs may your kids spoil you with all there love...and may the almighty God blessing you with happiness in your lifes. Ameen numberonemusic/quintenqrockswartz Numberonemusic/qrock7785boheganmusic Numberonemusic/qrockSA and Numberonemusic/qrock

South Africa, Cape Town


I always have a problem with Composition like that..It is Good as an Art.. but no commercial value..I do hope that You know what I'm trying to say...Is way to long for a Radio Play.. Yes They will play if You are the problem is what You will do with at this point is not Important what I'm Thinking..any how.. Make 3 separate Tunes because I do like some parts of This Recording and You will get a chance for a Radio Play but has to be below 4 min long..I wish You a good luck with submissions.. I do like It.. and yest I listen It 2 times..

United States, California, Los Angeles


Well.. You ask for a Review so I will tell You my opinion about this Me sound like a Classical piece which not much is going on It..For a Radio Play is way to Long..( They will not play more than 4 min..yes I see It to be played on Concert but to tell You Truth I'm not impress..I also think that Music Publishers will the same..from My experience I tell You that much.. People come to Piano Concerts for 2 Reasons.. to Hear a Great Melodies.. and Superb Technical Play.. I'm sorry but Your Tune is just an average ..I wish You good luck...

United States, California, Los Angeles


Winter it must be . A young girl or older woman putting on her skates and gliding somewhere on natural ice on a winter afternoon into the unknown. What a beautiful melodi, a feeling that this is happening in real time while the composer watching life from the beginning to the end playing without any notes written. A fantastic experience for an eyes closed journey while waiting and hoping that this blind travel will never end.

Norway, Bodø

Nice piece of piano music


Lismore, Australia’s Dr Fred Cole has composed an ambient and thoughtful piano piece entitled Mausoleum. The piece evokes the programmatic title very well. Hopefully this work will get some well-deserved performances!

United States, Washington, Seattle


I must say this is not Your Best Composition.. think You must change so soft is HARD to hear anything..I like the middle part but if I be You I will rerecord It on better equipment and make It a little shorter ( after all hearing Music should be a pleasure not Job trying to hear It )..I like to know what Music Bizz People will say but as It is will be hard to generate Theirs Interest..I do not know haw Radio Stations will react..but for sure over 9 min tune is to long for Them..I wish You a good luck with submissions.. Good Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles

Mesmerising Piano Improvisations are good for the soul...


Australian piano virtuoso Fred Cole has released recordings of a series of improvisations performed on a Grand Piano, and this track is a shining example, which, like each of Dr. Cole's ambient piano tracks, envelops the listener in a a rich sonic world of feelings and imagery, and carries you on a flowing musical journey into a beautiful subtle melodic world. This is REAL music played in real time by this extraordinary master of the keyboard, not the common plastic programmed electronica that often inhabits the ambient music space, and it nourishes your heart as you float in a magical, meditative universe of emotion and relaxed knowing. Perfect for setting a soft healing mood.

Australia, Byron Bay


Hello, this is a big piece of almost 10min. Very calm like the title can explaine. Here only piano and a delay. I can find again the complexity of of the other tunes and the nice chords. It's deep. There is no recurent melody in fact but I really like the ambience and the harmony. Maybe the sound could be louder... Some changes of the harmony somtimes to keep the ear attentive. Good job Dr!

France, Rennes



your way of playing is very similar to what I mean by music and what I try to translate into music. music is emotion, arouses emotion, creates emotion. all that a musician should do is convert their emotions into music: a smile, a cry, a joy become musical notes, harmonies and like a painter they are painted musical landscapes. you can do it is your gift and like every gift you have the right duty to give it.

Italy, italy

Quiet Piano Ambient.

This time we have a Quite ambient jazz piano piece from Dr. Fred Cole. It´s a fine beatiful piano music. But also with a classical touch. It remains me of the classical compositor Saté. Dr. Fred´s track has the same quite kind of ambience like Saté. The difference between Fred Cole and Saté is that Satés music is classical music and Coles music is jazz music. A very nice Piece of Piano Ambience track form Dr. Fred.

Denmark, Copenhagen

a gentle landscape

relaxed piano music, ideal for a tv afternoon drama this is not electronic music It has some classical background-made-amicable to a modern ear that wants to fall in love with a gentle landscape from the south A new age spirit is prensent throughout the song, although some melody tension occurs before the ending, after it dissapears completely

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Musically not bad, sound is beyond cheap

Sounds like you recorded this with the cheapest piano vst you could find, maybe even the included piano plugin that comes with Abelton/Logic/Cubase/whatever. Your technique is not bad at all, you know your way around a piano although it was hard to discern any kind of musical structure to this piece. Reminded me of a (too?) long improvisation session. For a solo piano piece (let alone an album) the quality of the instrument is paramount - a shame that it ended up sounding so cheap for an otherwise competent piano piece.

Netherlands, Amsterdam

Quite a journey


Excellent piano work creating various moods. Took me back to several chapters of my life. If this song were a single word, I'd call it Change. So many paths taken each with ups and downs but continuing on all the same. This piece makes me reflective and hopeful. Thank you for sharing it on here and let me know where/if I can download your music.

United States, Florida, JACKSONVILLE





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