Song Reviews



This track is appropriately tagged as a combination of Ambient and Film Music. From the onset you can tell it's going to be a very uplifting track. It starts small but builds up to a heroic and epic scale, reminiscent of "Chariots of Fire" and similar works with a theme of overcoming struggle. instruments used include strings, bell tree, timpani, horns, atmospheric pads, and ambient special FX to name a few. Congratulations on an inspiring piece of music Dr. Fred!

United States, New York, New York


A sprawling soundscape of epic proportions, transporting the listener to far-flung mountains and valleys of the mind. I'm willing to bet that in a live performance, this track becomes a firm favourite with the audience. Yes, it is the sort of instrumental that would make an ideal soundtrack to an adventure movie, costume romance or similar historical tale. My only critique is that I wasn't particularly enamoured of the intrusive, and rather pointless vocals, which detracted from the ambiance and kind of killed the mood at critical points. Maybe it is a little too long as well, but overall I enjoyed it would definitely recommend people listen to it with an open mind and heart.

United Kingdom, Sheffield

Homecoming, an adventure!

It sounds to me I am entering in a strange and new invironment full of singular places and views and curious but known noises. You have accomplished to create many images with your sound. Congratulations!

Brazil, Sao Paulo



A very theatrical song very creative very unique remind me of them big movie studio like universal studios Paramount pictures. I really I love you feeling your music anytime you send me music . Thank you for allowing me to review your song Don't stop sharing don't stop making more great creative music. I love all types of music classic rock Jazz gospel r&b just to name a few once again thank you again never stop making on creating great sounds of Music have a wonderful day God bless and I'll let you go to create keep on Sharing.

United States, California, Every Where

amaizing with very few resources

it is like work in the old record companyes. But Betther becouse you can to be access at lla kind of music. And enjoy it without pressures. In this case is a inspirate work made in early morning hat achieve to transmit all spirits of the calm an deep . It is very interesting!!

Homecoming - Review

Thank you for asking me to review your music. This starts off with a nice build it has a number of nice transitions and effects. This has a number of nice synth sounds and effects. There is a number of nice orchestral sounding effects. The theme sounds triumphant and a sense of royalty as if a great achievement was completed. If there was anything at all I would add would be a little more of a variance in the theme to keep the music interesting from the beginning back to the end. Otherwise I a grand piece of music. Nice work! All the best!

United States, Utah, Logan

I am Spartacus

Reminiscent of Jean Michelle Jarre, Chariots of the Gods, this piece written and performed by Dr Fred Cole is constructed as a herald to the themes we have grown up to as tributes to fantastical myths and fantasies. It covers and conveys a sense of strength and overcoming of obstacles that are owned by those who have an overpowering sense of commitment and obligation to a higher truth, noble and full of character, hopeful and aspiring.

United Kingdom, Bristol


This sound like a Movie Background Music..It will be hard to Play It Concert Hall..see People Love to see Life Orchestra not a pile of electronic "junk" I strongly advise You Record Music like that with Real Musicians I know is very expensive but It will have a More chance to be publish.. Movie Studios have a staff Composers and will be Very Hard to pitch music in there..I like It and I'm sure many people will feel the same but after all be nice to get pay ..I wish You good luck with submissions.. GOOD Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles


I like It but this is not important what I Like..but What You will do with It..Market for Music like that is Very Limited specially if is It over 9.min long and I do not see people come to Concert Hall to look on Pile of Computers.. They Like to see a whole Orchestra and I think that will be Hard to do..try to send It to some College Radio Stations and let see what will happen.. a Regular AM / FM Radio will not put in Rotation because is to long and they play max 5.5 0 4 min long..They do Sometime but Your name must be a J.S. Bach or something.. I wish You good luck..I like It... good Job..

United States, California, Los Angeles



nice score that leaves you with the feeling of anticipation and yerning happy and somber..there is a lot of feeling going on. Like a long over do homecoming.. it truely has a film score feel .It does have an instance of returning home. power full at 9:12 it has full feel ,like a journey .

United States, Michigan, Detroit

I can see it in a Tom Hanks film...


I feel as though while the whole song was playing, maybe a montage was playing at the same time. Very cool transition and sea ombiance. What program did you use to compose it? Would definitely recommend it too.

Netherlands Antilles

Vangelis style


.. atmosphere. Good interpretation and some cool sound. But only in some parts, some sounds can remember Vangelis but not your style.... A bit repetitive, but you can do much better.Greetings

Switzerland, Lugano


Hi! Homecoming, this track makes me remembring some Vangelis tunes by the sound and the mood. It's very different from your other tracks. For my taste, I miss a hand melody. Something that stay in my head. It's not my favorit track from you. I feel the sound too much 80's. But I totally understand the style. Yes, it's verry Vangelis style!

France, Rennes

Too linear....


Hello! A beautiful palette of synyhétiques tones. A strange voice in the background... Is it really necessary? Harmonically speaking, this composition is extremely classical in its composition. In my opinion, too often we remain on a major tonality; A break with a minor or other mode would have given more interest to this composition. Maybe even some chords dissonant here or there, to break the harmony. (I am a great follower of haronies dissonant, but it is true that they are not easy to place and use.) In listening, and in connection with what I mentioned above, I find this composition a little long...

Vangelis Style


When I heard, the first time, this track, inmediatly comes to my memory the music composed for Vangelis to the movie "Charriots of Fire" with his majestic music accompanyng the the runners of the English team at the Paris Olympics.. Like Vangelis, Fred Cole achieve the same effect with his own music. Combined the tonal music with synthetized sounds he get an excellent result in the genre film music. Congratulations.

Argentina, Buenos Aires

Good epic song for documentaries


This song is perfect for use in historical documentaries. It has very epic chords, that you mind in an adventure. It is also possible to use it in video games. It has a good pace with good fanfarreas to follow the story. Also the rhythm is progressive which is good for different uses. There is a human voice, which reminds me of some kind of Samurai that does not hit this type of music. Maybe with choral voices could have more charm. In general, she is quite good and she is beautiful when listening to her.

Spain, Barcelona





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