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Song Reviews
Fantastic Musician and Great support to musicians WORLD Wide - Love the music so much...
Dr Fred Cole has a fantastic feeling for delivering a well thought out production and song structure. It is easy to see why he is Number 1 in his Genre's. I follow his tracks on facebook. Looking forward to hearing new tracks from the legend. Like the YouTube Video An eccentric abstract journey into the Wild West! Dr Fred Cole Published on Jun 15, 2018
Australia, Melbourne
Good stuff
I really liked this. Reminded me of Kate bush - king of the mountain, especially early in the track. Keep this up man you are doing great things here. I’m a big fan of Eno and this fits within his genre.
Australia, Cairns
Ambient sounds not at all trivial. hypnotic but not repetitive which changes continuously throughout the song. I like this they trace these sounds that relax you and you feel like listening again.
Italy, Milano
nice song
nice song that makes the listener dreaming and wanting to hear more , keep it up the good work and i am looking forward for the next invitation , hope its soon !! i like the style of your music and the kind you create your songs . If you want to connect in other social medias please feel free to write me anyway and/or invite me as follower/friendship , kind regards, Peter Lang - der Sampleschlosser
Austria, Kundl
Adrift Review
Wonderful flow and Ambience!!! Very smooth Jazz vibe intertwined with electronica. Wonderful textures throughout the piece!! I would recommend this to Anyone that loves ambience, The feel and flow of jazz fusion, and the mystical sounds of synths and percussion
United States, Arkansas, Little Rock
Good work
very psychodelic and the intro is a bit sterile, however the sound research is in the right direction for excellent ambient songs. Work more on synths, at low volume. Create greater emotional impact.
Italy, Bagnacavallo
very dreamy with a cool mystic groove
like how it all blends in. I picture a journey from California throughout all the most scenic places to see. From the Pacific Ocean through The Grand Canyon whilst rafting through the calmest waters to the south past Mexico :)
United States, California, Lancaster
Electronica is not my favorite because it is usually dance beat. This is different. I think it is a bit like tubular bells. The organic I am not sure I follow it entirely, but it reminds me of drift wood floating in the sea. I would say it like a soundtrack for a sci-fi film or maybe something like Avatar, surreal. I hope it make sit into the top 1- for your Genre.
United Kingdom, Tintern
Imaginary landscape
I absolutely love the merge of the different rhythms, with both an ancient and modern sounds interweaving, creating an hypnotic journey through your own imaginary landscape, beautiful
United Kingdom, Exeter
A unique sound
this is a very unique sound and style of a song and music which I really liked and I really appreciate good music it reminds me of the Bahamas overseas you know like you're on vacation salsa music having a good time thank you for allowing me to review this song very unique clever very positive very relaxing thank you for sharing your music with me and the world don't stop creating great music keep on going stay outside the box continue to be who you are and never change who you are as an artist because your gift is very special and unique keep me posted on any new music that you may have and please send me to the TV or link to where I met download some of your music once again I really like your song thank you for sharing it stay Creator stay unique have a wonderful day and may God bless you and all that you go to Dylan create don't stop in Jesus name amen
United States, California, Every Where
Experimental fusion electronica
Hi Fred. I am back again. I may you did another great track. This music is more than ambient. A fusion between electronica an modern jazz. With this track your style and sounds come close to weather reports album "Mister Gone". I recommend you to listen to this incredible record from 1978. Your tracks has a lot of refernces abd a lot in common with the first song on that album. But weather reports track and yours are quite different anyway wth 30 years of diference between thos two track. Weather reports does not exist any longer but you do. And you are taking a different style that almost never making accesible for a lot of listeners on number ono. Not bad. Gratulation keeo on your good wok.
Denmark, Copenhagen
I have a mix reactions f...for me some parts are ok.. but other not so much.. think You need put effort on arrangement and make It shorter around 4 min..I'm thinking it will help It... As You know Instrumental Music is Extra Hard to be placed in some Music House or to be played on Radio Stations but try to submit It to a Music Publisher and let's see what will happen..if this be me.. I will make changes on It before submission.. I wish You good luck..I do like some parts of It..
United States, California, Los Angeles
This is not Your Best Composition I must say..I think You need to make It shorter around 4 min this way motives will not repeat to much..I also will make a much complicated arrangement... Instrumental music is extra hard to pitch.. market is Very Small ..try to send to some Music Publishers and Radio Stations and let see what They will possible if You make a Video of It wil;l be much better ..but as now I do not see many chance for It to be pick up..I like some parts but I think much more work has to be done on It..
United States, California, Los Angeles
Ecological music
Good evening! Always a lot of originality in your compositions. This one is complex, with a very basic "Wood " I would say even "ecological "!!! The general atmosphere is soft, without any aggression. You can hear a spun sound that passes through the air. The frequencies rise and fall, as passed in a flanger. The criticism I would make, with regard to a certain monotony. But maybe the musician you are wanted this?
Ambient tones
The running sequence throughout the piece is of very tribal/African influence that works well tying the whole piece together. The changes in pace do bring that jazz feel. A well produced piece that is very atmospheric.
United Kingdom
Hello! I am back! On this track I like the change of rythme in the begining. This is a nice trach which sound african but it's a little bit too repetitive to me. I can't wait to listen your other tunes.
France, Rennes
Organic World
Organic introduction starts of this composition that utilizes percussive elements that progresses slowly through its various phases. Additional themes are introduced however, somewhat slower than the listener might like for a track of this duration. The minimalist continues through until the tracks completion. The song would benefit from a more robust variation of melodic themes that would bring interest to the composition.
United States, Texas, DFW