Song Reviews
A Spellbinding Blend....
Greetings Dr. have the remarkable gift of transforming your electronic stylings into a superb jazz funk composition. The guitar and bass lines are seamlessly fused together to evoke a sultry and hypnotic path that the listener is compelled to follow. The 'Pied Piper' could learn a thing or two from you. You've hit the 'bulls-eye' once again ! Barrymore
France, Paris
This is a very creative and unique song on the jazz tip well put together... Thank you for sharing your music ???? with me... Never be afraid to expand your horizon and never be afraid to go to the next level. I love all type of music jazz gospel rap just to name a few. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as far as you on your upcoming week thank you so much again for sharing your music with me I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful evening and God bless you and all that you go to do in create on the jazz tip..
United States, California, Every Where
Get It Ready For Master!
Hey Dr. Fred Cole, Ambient best describe this relaxing tune can't wait until you master it so I can discover more ear candy, the Guitar lead is charming along with the strings/pad vibe, Is this going to be an intro song? If so get it ready for a master and or extend it for added enjoyment, your track sounds nice overall, production is excellent, good tune!
United States, California, Fairfield
Hallo, wie geht es dir...? Ich werde deinen Song mal so bewerten. Die Melodie ist ganz gut.. Das Thema ist gut gewählt. Der Anfang ist erwartungsvoll, aber dann wird es sehr kurios. Irgendwie hatte man sich auf das eingestellt, aber dann... OK, es ist einfach Geschmackssache. Fazit... Mittelmäßig. Trotzdem weiter so, ich höre gerne später weitere Songs von dir an. Grüße... 2 Project
Germany, Frankfurt
your song
Hi there Dr, Fred Cole, thank you so much for sending me your song for review. I find this song very interesting, very experimental, easy listening, that guitar solo is superb and it sounds great too. The bass riff is very good, a very fat bass sound dead center and makes the song very compact and powerful, maybe the song needed more clear percussion stuff, etc but, it is great so as it is, great melodies inside the songs and good music production, congratulations, many greetings from Germany, Alfredo from King Mambo
Germany, Muenster
Really mellow, great progressive movement. Thoroughly enjoyed this track. well thought out and the guitar composition is outstanding! A non-jarring jazz rendition that really stands out!
Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg
Floating around...
Assuming this is an ambient track, it creates an excellent sense of floating in the air or moves of mists. A chord progression is good in a sense to keep a melodic path open to many directions. One thing, however, leaves the potentials to make it sounds better. It is better to introduce more aerial distance in sound making. For example, a synth pad is a little too clear and too loud, covering up too much of all the other things. It is better to reduce the higher spectrum of the sound of a synth pad to make it sound "far behind" the lead guitar and other things. Use something like the "stereo dimension" to place a synth pad far left and right, and to leave the center area for the guitar and drums.
Japan, Yokohama
Mysterious but pulls you in....
As a person who has excelled at Smooth jazz in mainstream music, I think you have done a great job in making the listener want to hear your music. The mix is making you feel the ambient nature you are trying to feel but it makes you miss the pulse of the song. Very catchy when getting your point across but I want more in your face. It's your song Own it and make everyone know just who you are. I do like it though. Nice vibe!!!
United States, California, Mill Valley
Dr Fred Cole Green Man.
I feel that this song is the only thing missing from a gorgeous sunny, It's poppy and slick at the same time. Dr Fred Cole really embraces his jazz influence here. The bass is something straight out of the '80s mixed with gorgeous ambient soundscapes topped off with a guitar that cuts through like a knife. Really well put together. Highly recommended.
Ireland, Clare
Green Man
Great harmonies in this piece. A bit like a journey into the unknown. It would be an excellent choice for a Rom com or a Spy film. Nice use of cymbals and percussion really makes the listener intrigued and it has an excellent finish. I loved it! I hope you keep writing and composing. This sounded like a piece for a sound track on a movie. I hope you will consider putting it forward. Great feeling in the whole piece. I think it would also be even more wonderful as a dance piece in a show.
United Kingdom, Tintern
drifting away blues
very relaxing mix of jazz and blues. great background music ideal for a restaurant or wine bar. even for a scene for a film . their is a huge market for this type of music .highly recommended keep up the good work .
United Kingdom, Evesham
As always different commercial Great Smooth Jazz and Ambient Sounds
Reminds me of 1980 Snowy White Guitar Lead Breaks. I really like it very commercial yet experimental. Love the lead break very uplifting chords with a clear awesome sound of Dr Fred Cole As Always keep up the release of new tracks I will keep sharing your efforts #NEUROMASTER
Australia, Melbourne
Green Man
Definitely more Jazz-Electronica than ambient. Very chilled, feels like it would fit a scene from Purple Rain. Have to say, that guitar would have made the track a hundred times better if it was real! Could use a moogish synth or vocoder type of synth and kept it fully electronic i reckon. Nice work though
United Kingdom, London
Here is a Jazz+Blues Rock title, and my first impression is that this one reminds me of Gary Moore, for instance, with more orchestration as there are pads and synths added, but anyway, similarities. The melody of the guitar itself is a good one, i'm just not very fond of the sound chosen, too acoustic...i'd rather would have listened to something with more amplitude. Anyway, the whole title in itself is a good musical moment, worth listening to.
France, Tende
Good for relax
Big landscapes remains in the beginning. The guitar sounds like "music for elevators". A warm atmosphere helps the melody while a little distortion get up in the middle of the song. The end is a little abrupt.
Spain, Granada
Jazz Guitar Time
Ambient pad vamps start off with song that then brings in a guitar jazz lead melody that is musically interesting executed but unfortunately suffers from being obviously a MIDI virtual instrument. The song could also benefit from some variation in the backing instrumentation. Daft Punk did something with a virtual guitar that worked and would be a suggestion for how to improve the track and proceed forward. :}
United States, Texas, DFW