Just a Little Love

A warm hello from Philly!
Summer has arrived with a vengeance here in beautiful Philadelphia. Hot, Hot, Hot! But, I know some of you have been getting much worse west of here and I hope you are all safe.
Just A Little Love, another song from my recent release, definately steps way toward the pop side. I'm a big fan of the great horn bands of the 70's and 80's, so I wanted to try my hand at an arrangement with horns. As for the song.....I was thinking about what's really the important thing in our lives. And when it comes down to it, love is the only thing. Family and friends, or doing something you love (whether you make money with it or not). It's important to clear our heads from time to time and come back to the people and things in our lives we love.
With that being said....Here's, Just A Little Love
I hope you like it and don't forget to write! I love hearing from you all!