Canada, Ontario, Belleville

About eddiekay
Take your hands, and put them in front of you. Place your left hand, palm facing you, and your right hand palm facing away from you. Your fingers do not have to be straight, they can be bent slightly. Now move your palms, so they are facing each other, about 3-5 inches apart. So you should have your left hand palm facing you, right hand palm away from you, about 4 inches apart. All you have to do, is close your eyes, and concentrate on the sensations in your palms. After 10 - 30 seconds, you should feel something. If you do not, move your right hand slightly in a circular motion, and see if you notice anything strange. I will not tell you what you will experience, because everyone experiences something different.
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Past Events
Sep 16
11:00 AM
All Ages
Saturday At The Farmers Market
Canada, Ontario, Belleville, Behind City Hall