Here's to you all for Christmas/Thanksgiving, or any celebration!
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah. Hello, just thought I would begin today's sermon with something deep and meaningful. How the hell are you getting on? I just wrote my latest tune, called "Change". It's about good friends, and asking them not to change. People who, occasionally, come through for you, and save the day. I hope you have people in your life that do that. We all need them, for sure. At my worst, I thought I had no friends, and was just so despondent. If you are feeling this way, it could be your mind deceiving you. When you're depressed, and down, people may distance themselves, because they don't know what to do or say. It's not that they don't care. I'm not going to say to keep your chin up, because, sometimes, that's just impossible. The best I can do for you, is to tell you that I was once a chronically ill suicide case, with no hope, or any positivity at all in my life. And as for doctors/consultants? They are not the experts, you are. Whatever you're going through, only you know exactly what that is. For me it was severe paranoia, rock bottom self esteem, and serious suicidal thoughts, and actions. Whatever's happening, or is not, in your life, you are unique, there is no-one like you. I fully realise that maybe none of this is helping, but here's the thing : You could, perhaps, be in the same, desperate position that I was. Okay, granted. Well, what about stuff that you used to like to do, things that gave you fulfillment? If you are anything like I was, you have possibly abandoned them. I stopped playing guitar for years, whilst on an extensive visit to hospital. I had no interest in it whatsoever. This was years and years ago, and I was a loose canon, an accident waiting to happen. I will leave you with this thought : Who is serving who? Who is essential in this system of ours? Is it the doctors/consultants, or is it the service users? Without the latter, no consultants would be required, they would be out of a job. And they know it. If you're stuck in a mental rut, a quagmire, give a little thought to what I've said. I wish you well, you are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Lotsa love and hugs, xxx.