eja slade
4 months ago

Good people of Netfield, welcome once more to the ongoing tales of Net.

A thousand welcomes is wished you here. Thank you so much for the ongoing plays, it means the world to me, and the boys. They are Rohan, on bass, and Alex, on drums. I am on guitar and vocals. Yes, a genuine power trio, what I've always wanted. I have not posted any of the new songs, because they are not yet at the standard I'm looking for. Actually, I think I'll hold out until all ten songs are done and dusted, and present them as a complete body of work. Whilst I'm learning the tunes off by heart, I'm already started on album #2. Three numbers so far, "Manifold", "Eclipse", and "Everblind". Already I'm feeling a slight departure from album #1, but the energy and power is still there. I'm using first position chords for the most part, and I'm realising that they can be really exciting, when a bit of thought is executed. Yes, the new material is classic rock, together with some punk. But that's not all. I intend for my musical output to embrace eclecticism, you know, stuff that is not so all-out aggressive. I already have such things written, no worries there. Yes, the pendulum will swing from all-out rock and roll, to, eventually, some prog rock interludes. Again, I have some of those works in the can too. But no going soft. Oh no. And no twenty-minute meanderings. I'm going for 3/4 minute tunes, rarely more than that. Of album #1, I have two songs almost done. As some of you may know, I'm getting back into things, after a period spent in hiatus. So, the solos in these two numbers are quite erratic, and sometimes a touch dissonant, but somehow they work. I was gonna change them, but have decided not to. Of course, I have to apply myself, when it comes to the cover of the elpees. And I have to come up with titles also. I have saved hard, and can afford all necessities. You bet your life. I'm getting assistance with the logistics, as I realise I can't do it all myself. Now, a change of subject : Mentally, I'm in fine form, and am rarely depressed. I now write every day, and come up with one or two new tunes each week. I take my time, checking every word. The same goes for chords. If you are down, take heart, cos it's true, the greatest darkness is before the light. Believe me, I was critically suicidal, tried it several times, in all different ways. Now, I'm like a child, rejuvenated in every way. My heart goes out to you. I wish I could be there, to talk you through your day, and to hug you out of your blues. I need you to hang in there. I know it's anything but easy, and I know it's all easy for me to say, from my current standpoint. I don't want you to resent me, I guess. I recently wrote a song, called "The Keeper", which is about my maltreatment in hospital, being kicked when I was down, if you like. I have yet to record it. These wrongs are being investigated, and change is on the way. I've noticed that a lot of those old staff are gone, which of course is welcome, and a good sign. I don't know whether you were/are going through this kind of thing, all I can say is, hang tough, don't let them grind you down, don't let them win. You may not think it, right now, but you are cool, and you have a lot to offer. You are not meant to be where you are. Anger, used wisely, can be a great tool. It did an awful lot for me, in fact it turned everything around. Plus, I'll admit, the right medication (for me). You deserve all the good stuff, and believe me, it's waiting there for you. Once you recover, you won't know yourself. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers, and I send you all the love in the world. Take care, and may the spirits guide you on, until the magic of understanding takes hold, and you see the light as she shines for you, and upon you. May your god go with you. Love 'n' Hugs, xxx.





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