eja slade
6 months ago

Helloooooooo! Net breaks through to the other side, at last.

Yes, this is where it's at folks! As many of you will know, I've been trying, trying, trying, to assemble my ensemble, Net. Well, I need search no more, for now. Two young men (younger than me anyhow!) have stepped up to the plate, and so all is far from lost. No, we are putting together my debut album, yet to be titled, and we are three tracks in. Sound-wise, and influence-wise, it doffs the cap to Motorhead, AC/DC, Sex Pistols, Ramones, and classic rock/punk in general. It's energy all the way, with, if I may say so, ten tracks of on-the-money musical nuggets. Net is a trio (power trio?), bass, drums, and guitar/vocals. I put aside all the progressive stuff I had been working on, and, in six weeks, wrote the aforementioned ten songs. It took a lot of work, and involved writing, re-writing, and more re-writing. Words and chords, with attention to detail. Titles include "Power Thrill", "Refuse To Serve", "Bullet Magnet", "All The World's A Stage", and "The Keeper". I'll be collecting the recorded songs tomorrow, I am assured they sound like dynamite. If you don't have my email address, it's www.brenodoherty7@gmail.com, get in touch, and I will post the links to you. I'm already started album two, with three numbers, "Make Your Head", "Fists", and "The Mule". Friends, and people around me, are beginning to come around to the fact that this is for real, and I'm not fucking about. The launch for the elpee is already in the planning stages, and of course I'm thrilled. I want to thank you all for your unending patience, loyalty, and amazing support. The album should drop around Christmas, or early New Year. Not sure what title I will give it. Maybe just "Net"? Or "Perseverance"?. Or maybe "Net - Mach One"?. The possibilities are endless. What about "Power Thrill"?. Anyway, see ya next time, Love and Hugs, E xxx.





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