Thanks to ALL of my fans and subscribers.

Hey, it's Eli. I know many of you I've not replied to personally and I apologize for that or the delay in getting back to anybody. So much going on right now but that's not an excuse. So I chose to send out this message to everyone. To all of you who are playing my music, I send my most sincere thanks to all of you. Keep playing and listening; it IS appreciated. For those of you who have checked out my newly released Video to my song "Country Girl Touch" a big thank you. Your comments and votes DO mean a lot to me and I mean that from my heart. Please share my new video with anyone and everyone you can as well as my songs. My video Country Girl Touch can be found easily on YouTube; just type in my name Eli Tellor followed by Country Girl Touch and you will find it. I hope you like it and leave comments and I hope you share I with people. In the meantime, please do not take my silence as being non appreciative.....I love and appreciate every one of you. You guys are what keeps the ball rolling. My goal is to get to sing to you someday in a huge big concert and or from the Grand Ole Opry. I was blessed to play at the Ryman auditorium in January as one in 5 of the nations finalists in the Colgate Country showdown. What a thrill to stand there where many wonderful legends have stood before me. I cannot imagine the thrill If I'm able to achieve my goal of a record deal and also to sing at the Grand Ole Opry. My heart cannot even contain the thought but I'm trying hard to make it happen and I need you t help me. God bless each and every one of you! I love you all!